Wheres concern from Democrats? | News, Sports, Jobs – The Steubenville Herald-Star

To the editor:

Two weeks ago, I read a letter to the editor from someone who attended the Jefferson County Democratic Party meeting and wrote about the disharmony within. Then, there was a letter from Barb Davis, Local Democrats facing issues, that appeared May 7, which referred to conflict in the same organization.

Im intrigued by their comments. The letter from Davis reveals a rife among the Democrats concerning their political platform and ideology. It looks as if shes upset there is discord about the comments of some members, and the writer cannot, or will not, accept their point of view. I regard this as exposing the far-left philosophy of the Democrats of fall in line, be quiet and do as I say.

There appears to be an intolerance of differing opinions.

The writer is disturbed that some members of the executive committee refused to clarify or answer questions about changing their by-laws, referring to disrespect shown the chairwoman. Yelling at her every time she tried to speak mocking and bullying her and others they were gleeful in their attacks .

Why is anyone getting flustered over a tactic that has been learned well from the playbook of the Democrats? It shows they will turn on themselves if members dont toe the line.

It also is stated that the writer doesnt respect bullies and thugs. Where was she during the riots a few years ago? Were eyes and ears closed during the Supreme Court nomination hearings? What about threats made by Senate Leader Chuck Schumer on the steps of the Supreme Court that conservative justices will reap the whirlwind and better watch their backs? The writer states shes dusting off her activist shoes sending out a beacon watch for the blue flare. What are these code words for? Sounds like lessons learned from Schumer.

I ask members of the committee if they are concerned and have discussed ways to help the 60 percent of Americans who have less than $1,000 in savings to fall back on in case of emergencies? Why are we spending billions of dollars in Ukraine and not on American citizens in financial trouble? Are county Democrats content with high inflation, taxes, interest rates and gas prices? How about diminishing 401(k)s, evaporating security oil reserves, Chinese spy balloons and having 90 percent of our medications made in China or other countries?

It seems Democrats close their eyes to these problems. However, they believe biological men should be allowed in womens bathrooms and sports? They want to indoctrinate our children to take hormones and have surgery as young as 4 to change their sex. Democrats dont see this as child abuse or drag queens performing in kindergarten classes as pedophiles.

Democrats want illegal immigrants in America, but not living next to them. They forget what Barack Obama said in 2005: We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States unchecked (and) circumvent those waiting in line to come legally here.

Patti Morgan


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Wheres concern from Democrats? | News, Sports, Jobs - The Steubenville Herald-Star

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