Al Gore: ‘I Was Wrong’ About Donald Trump – HuffPost

Former Vice President Al Goresays hes given up hope that President Donald Trumpwill act on key climate issues.

Gore recounted toLate Show hostStephen Colberthis optimism after his meeting with Trump to discuss climate change and the landmarkParis Accord. Trump hadpromised supporters during the campaign that he would pull out of the agreement, arguing it was a bad deal.

I went to Trump Tower after the election, said Gore, who was on the show to promote his new movie, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. I thought that there was a chance he would come to his senses. But I was wrong.

Trump announced the United States withdrawalfrom the agreement last month, a decision widely met with criticism from business leaders, fellow politicians and longtimeU.S. allies. More than 350 mayorsin cities across the U.S. have since pledged to honor the Paris climate agreement.

Gore added he worried that Trumps decision to exit the agreement would be disastrous, but he was excited by the response of political leaders in the U.S.

A lot of our most important governors and mayors and business leaders said, Were still in the Paris Agreement, and were going to meet the commitments of the country regardless of what Donald Trump tweets.

Watch the whole clip in the video above.

This article has been updated with an updated figure for the number of mayors who have signed on to the Climate Mayors initiative.

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Al Gore: 'I Was Wrong' About Donald Trump - HuffPost

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