Alec Baldwin talks completely, 100% uncensored about Donald Trump – USA TODAY

Alec Baldwin opens up about impersonating Trump and his own impressions of the president. USA TODAY

Alec Baldwin(Photo: Gilbert Carrasquillo, FilmMagic)

As impersonator-in-chief for President Trump, Alec Baldwinhas some surprising opinions about our 45th commander in chief.

He doesn't think his satire of Trump on Saturday Night Livehas been effective. He admires Trump for his loyal family. Butlet's give Baldwin the floor uncensored as he speaks to USA TODAY for his upcoming animated film The Boss Baby (in theaters March 31), in whichhe plays a business-minded infant.

Q: What do you like about President Trump?

A: Well, his children seem loyal to him, which I've got to give him credit for that. I dont want to believe its all about their inheritance. I want to think that Trumps children are very loyal to him. That must say something for him. Because otherwise, his kids could just vanish. They certainly have the resources to put some money in their pocket and take off.They dont really have to be. But they are fiercely loyal to him, so that has to matter for something. So I do recognize that about him. But in terms of his politics, no, there is really nothing I could say.

Alec Baldwin portrays Donald Trump on the campaign trail in a sketch last fall on 'Saturday Night Live.'(Photo: Will Heath, AP)

Q: How long will you act as Trump on 'Saturday Night Live'?

A:I don't know. I can honestly say I don't think much longer. Meaning this season, I would do it. I do think that people are, I could be wrong, but I do think that people are growing, not so much weary of it, where they think its funny, but they dont know if its achieving any practical purposes.Its a satire thats not really leading to the effect you hope satire will have. You know, Trump, some people would say to me very pointedly, how do you feel that you helped Trump get elected? You humanized him. And you kind of trivialized him in a way that softened him to the public. That certainly wasnt the point.

Alec Baldwin to write a parody Trump memoir

Trump was someone who, regardless of whether he was parodied or not, regardless of who did the parody, and what was written, I thought Trump was someone who was completely disqualified to be the president. All of these things that surfaced about his misogyny and women and thingslike that. I thought,"Oh, God, this is just, dust off the Air Force One for Hillary Clinton."And I thought there was just no way he could have won with all of those things that were out there about him. But, you know,its a historic about-face, if you will, of public opinion, so it's interesting.

I know I am going to do a few more shows by the end of the year, they finish in May. Those guys are all dear friends of mine. (SNL producer) Lorne (Michaels)is a dearfriend of mine. Its like going home when Im there. I love them and I love being there. But after the summer, I take the summer off with my family, and when I come back, theres just a whole host of other things I want to be doing. And it would be out of the question that I would be available to do that long term.

Alec Baldwin, right, as Donald Trump and Beck Bennett's Vladimir Putin on 'Saturday Night Live.'(Photo: Dana Edelson, NBC)

Q: Do you fear repercussions for lampooning President Trump?

A: No, I never think about that. There was a joke, I was with my assistant, I said this on (Jimmy)Kimmel,and we went to Dean & DeLuca to get a cup of coffee down in Soho. And we ran into Tony Kushner, the famous playwright. And I saw Tony and said, "How are you?"And he turned to my assistant, Casey, and he said, Is this your taster? Hes a brilliant guy, very funny.

But I do not have any fear whatsoever that something is going to happen, (that) my taxes are going to get audited or that kind of thing. I don't really fear that.I mean, I think that Trump is someone, who no matter what we did, if we really had softened it ifyou had someone do sketches where theyexaltedTrump. If the Fox News division had a comedy show, I know thats incongruous, but if they had a comedy showand they just celebrated Trump in a humorous way nonetheless, he wouldnt be happy. I dont think Trump is happy with anything said about him in the modern world or media.

Alec Baldwin is the voice of 'The Boss Baby.'(Photo: DreamWorks Animation)

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