Donald Trump and Paul Ryan Are Going to Regret Repealing Obamacare – New Republic

We dont know exactly how many people will lose their insurance, or how much this bill will cost, because the House, in an unprecedented and insanely reckless move, voted on the bill without getting a score from the CBO. Its worth underscoring this: They voted for a massive bill to reorganize a sixth of the American economy without knowing what it would do.

This vote will backfire even if the bill doesnt ultimately become law. Its worth pointing out that spiking the football, as Ryan and Trump did, is remarkably short-sighted. The CBO is going to give this bill a terrible score, erasing whatever positive coverage Republicans are getting right now (CNN and other outlets are labeling this a win). And Republicans in the Senate are going to take months to change this bill into something more palatable, and its not clear that they can even do that.

If this bill does end up becoming law, it will do more than simply return the countrys health care system to the shambles it was in before Obamacare. Millions will lose their health care. Costs will rise. People will literally die. And if the bill doesnt become law, it will stand as a morally repugnant vote. Republicans put millions of peoples lives at risk so they could tell their base they had voted to get rid of Obamacare. At the Rose Garden press conference, Trump and Ryan acted as if the bill had already become law. Expect footage of that press conference to haunt them when it is hurled at House Republicans in 2018.

Some Democrats were not-so-secretly rooting for the bill to pass the House, expecting it to die in the Senate. This is a classic example of counting political chickens before theyve hatched. With this group of Republicans, in this climate, anything is possible, including the destruction of President Obamas biggest domestic achievement. Still, the ads against Trump and the 217 Republicans who voted for this bill are already being cut, and health care will be the defining issue in the 2018 election. (Premiums are going to be coming down. Deductibles are going to come down, Trump declared. Well see about that.) For the first time since 2010, Democrats wont be on the defensiveand Republicans may have just given them the key to take back the House.

Excerpt from:
Donald Trump and Paul Ryan Are Going to Regret Repealing Obamacare - New Republic

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