Donald Trump gives me hope for the future – Chicago Tribune

In his recent column, Eric Zorn says that a reluctance or inability to peer into the future is the weakness of ... everyone who thought it would be a good idea to elect an immature, incurious bully as president of the United States.

Actually, I looked into the future of this country under someone who'd accomplished nothing more than riding her husband's coattails into the corridors of power, compromised national security by using a homegrown email server in violation of government regulations, and enriched the Clinton Foundation by selling the office of Secretary of State.

That future included more liberal Supreme Court justices, continuing growth of the Obama regulatory state at the expense of business and the middle class, and continuing reduction of freedom of conscience. In my mind, the brighter future for this country involved having Donald Trump in the White House.

Zorn's comments about people who voted for Trump bring to mind Hillary Clinton's comments about deplorables. That's OK with me, because in the last presidential election, we deplorables won.

Claude Groves, Naperville

The rest is here:
Donald Trump gives me hope for the future - Chicago Tribune

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