Donald Trump Had ‘No Problem’ With Michael Flynn Talking To The Russians – Huffington Post

Experts have raised the possibility that Flynn may have violated the obscure Logan Act, which bars private citizens from interfering in foreign relations. And on Tuesday, Democrats and Republicans on the Hill began questioning whether anyone else, including Trump, knew what Flynn was doing.Spicer denied that Trump ever asked Flynn to discuss the sanctions.But he insisted Trump had no problem with Flynn talking to Russian officials.

I cant state it clearly enough: There was nothing in what Gen. Flynn did in terms of conducting himself that was an issue, Spicer said, adding that the White House counsel agreed with this assessment.

Instead, what bothered the president, according to Spicer, was that Flynn told Vice President Mike Pence that he never discussed sanctions and Pence subsequently went on television and said so, repeating Flynns lie.

The Washington Post reported that the Department of Justice first informed the administration last month that it believed Flynn had misled the administration when he said he had not discussed sanctions during the late December call. Acting Attorney General Sally Yates also said she believed Flynn was vulnerable to blackmail from the Russians because of the information he was hiding. Trump later fired Yates because she refused to defend his ban on refugees and travelers from seven majority-Muslim countries.

NBC reported Tuesday that Pence didnt learn about the Justice Departments concerns about Flynn until Feb. 9, 11 days after Trump and other White House officials heard about them.

That was the same day that the Washington Post first reported and made public the fact that Flynn had discussed sanctions.

Spicer continued to say no conversations with Russian officials took place during the campaign despite reports that members of Trumps team did so and wouldnt say whether the White House would declassify the transcripts of Flynns calls about the sanctions.

See the original post here:
Donald Trump Had 'No Problem' With Michael Flynn Talking To The Russians - Huffington Post

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