Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind – Townhall


Posted: Feb 11, 2017 12:01 AM

Youre awake by the way. Youre not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, youre not dead and you havent gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country. Rachel Maddows reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didnt cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didnt need therapy. We didnt start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country. By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. Thats how its supposed to work.

What we didnt do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didnt like the candidate who was elected. What we didnt do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didnt smash any windows at Starbucks. We didnt squirt pepper spray in peoples faces because they wore hats we didnt like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldnt have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students dont like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented self-defense against fascismor something. Its a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.

This gets even trickier to figure out since former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich said on TV that he heard rumors that the violent protesters were actually Breitbart plants: "Theres rumors that they actually were right-wingers. They were a part of a kind of group that was organized and ready to create the kind of tumult and danger you saw that forced the police to cancel the event. So Donald Trump, when he says Berkeley doesnt respect free speech rights, thats a complete distortion of the truth. ...I saw these people. They all looked very almost paramilitary. They were not from the campus. I dont want to say factually, but Ive heard there was some relationship here between these people and the right-wing movement that is affiliated with Breitbart News.

You think thats crazy? Just yesterday, liberal protesters blocked a schoolhouse door to keep Education Secretary Betsy DeVos from being able to go in. Setting aside the fact that the last time Democrats blocked people from entering schoolhouse doors in the sixties was not exactly a proud moment for them, its amazing to see a DNC official siding with thugs blocking the Education Secretary from entering a building.

As you can imagine, if the responsible people in the Democratic Party are behaving like loons, the left-wing celebrities who are not the most stable people to begin with, are really off the rails. We could do a whole article just on the celebrity comments since Trump was elected, but heres a little smattering of their comments that should give you a good handle on the level of crazy.

Letting trump take office means burying democracy. Letting him take it without the popular vote means burying it alive. -- Joss Whedon

"So Ive been shopping around for a new religion to see me through the next four years. Too many of my fellow Christians voted for selfishness and for degradation of the beautiful world God created. I guess they figured that by the time the planet was a smoky wasteland, theyd be nice and comfy in heaven, so wotthehell. Anyhow, Im looking around for other options." -- Garrison Keillor

"Im angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. But I know that this wont change anything." -- Madonna



Oh, well, that all sounds like a perfectly sane reaction to your candidate losing an election, doesnt it? Oh wait, it doesnt at all. These people sound like they belong in a mental institution.

Speaking of which, officials in Seattle are cutting ties with Wells Fargo because that company is helping to finance the Trump-supported Dakota Pipeline. Using that same thinking, couldnt conservatives stop dealing with Wells Fargo because it was helping to finance the city of Seattle? Along similar lines, liberals are boycotting companies like Neiman Marcus because they carry merchandise put out by Trumps daughter Ivanka. Is this the new standard in America? Targeting the children of our political enemies? It has even bled down to living arrangements. Apparently, in D.C. liberals have taken to adding the equivalent of No Trump Supporters Need Apply to ads looking for roommates. Worse yet, there has been at least one case where a woman divorced her husband of 22 years because he voted for Trump. That sounds perfectly sane, doesnt it? Of course, we also cant forget the infamous liberal sucker punch to the face of white nationalist Richard Spencer. That was followed by liberals declaring that it was good that Spencer was punched because hes a Nazi and, oh, by the way, everyone who disagrees with them is a Nazi. Somehow, it never seems to occur to them that its just as moral or immoral to punch him for his political views as it is to punch, lets say, Elizabeth Warren or Chuck Schumer.

Even if you dont love Trump, he does at least seem to be a few cuts above crazy people screaming about coups while they smash windows and assault random passers-by in Make America Great hats. The Left has descended so far that when you see Death to America trending on Twitter or Facebook, you have to check to see whether it's in Iran or Berkeley. If fascism, violence, hatred, crying and crazy are all liberals have to offer, they should prepare themselves for eight years of Trump.

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See the article here:
Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind - Townhall

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