Donald Trump hasn’t tweeted from his Android phone in two months – Recode

President Trump famously took advantage of Twitter in the 2016 campaign in ways that other candidates wouldnt or couldnt. And, as The New York Times noted way back in October 2015, he used a Samsung Galaxy to do it, having no computer in his office.

Internet sleuths later deduced the phone was probably a Galaxy S3, released in May 2012, which could only run older, insecure versions of the Android operating system. As the Reply All podcast demonstrated in a smart/terrifying episode, readily available hacking software could completely eliminate the privacy of a person still using one of these phones.

But hey, good news it looks like Trumps Android days may be in the past. At least, hes no longer tweeting from Android, which you can see for yourself by searching Twitter for tweets from source:"Twitter for Android". Trumps tweets are all now coming from an iPhone (or possibly multiple iPhones, assuming he is still sharing the account with his team), which you can verify by searching for tweets from source:"Twitter for iPhone".

He hasnt tweeted from an Android device since March 25 of this year, when he encouraged his tens of millions of followers to watch Justice with Judge Jeanine on Fox News:

Throughout the presidential campaign, tweets were posted to @realDonaldTrump from both Android and iOS devices, and occasionally via Instagram. As savvy Twitter-searchers noticed then, the more aggressive, shoot-from-the-hip tweets tended to come from an Android device, while the more polished, genial ones were most likely posted by someone on his campaign from an iPhone.

Read more here:
Donald Trump hasn't tweeted from his Android phone in two months - Recode

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