Donald Trump Interrupts Star Wars to Provoke Actual War – Gizmodo

Image: AP Photo/Alex Brandon

The press along for the ride on Air Force One today decided to take advantage of the fact that Rogue One was just released on DVD. And they kind of forgot to pause the movie while President Donald Trump addressed the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government.

We know that they didnt pause the video because the images of the flight show a variety of Rogue One moments upstaging whatever nonsense was being said. And theres clock counting down how much longer the flight is below the video.

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According to this CNN video, the video played while Trump was answering questions about what should be done about events in Syria:

Theres nothing here about whether or not, after saying that Something should happen in Syria, Trump stayed to watch the movie featuring a lead who rediscovers her ideals and takes on a suicide mission to fight a corrupt and evil totalitarian government.

The rest is here:
Donald Trump Interrupts Star Wars to Provoke Actual War - Gizmodo

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