Donald Trump Is Once Again Going To War Against His Own Intelligence Agencies – Huffington Post

President Donald Trump kicked off his Friday by attacking the U.S. intelligence community once again. He lashed out at the FBI, tweeting that the agency is totally unable to stop national security leakers.

Trumps outburst comes hours after CNN and The Associated Press reported that White House chief of staff Reince Priebus had asked the FBI to publicly dispute reports that the presidents team had communicated with Russian officials throughout the 2016 presidential campaign.

FBI director James Comey reportedly refused to comply with the request because of the agencys ongoing investigation into Trumps associates and their potentially illegal links to the Kremlin.

Comey was criticized after he decided just days before the 2016 election to reinvestigate the emails of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Though the investigation didnt turn up any damning new information, Democrats have said that it damaged Clintons election chances.

The White House has repeatedly denied allegations that Trump associates kept constant communicationwith Russian officials during the campaign, as first reported by The New York Times and CNN this month.

Trumps Friday tweet didnt deny accusations that the White House attempted to meddle in the FBIs investigation, but instead took aim at FBI leakers who could have a devastating effect on the U.S.

The target of the presidents attack appears to be misdirected as the APreported that a White House official leaked Priebus request for the FBI to squash the reports.

The U.S. intelligence community has found itself increasingly at odds with the Trump administration. Following Lt. Gen. Michael Flynns resignation as national security advisor this month for misleading Vice President Mike Pence about communication he had with a Russian ambassador in December, Trump launched an attack on leakers within U.S. intelligence.

From intelligence, papers are being leaked, things are being leaked, Trump said at a February news conference. Its a criminal action, criminal act, and its been going on for a long time before me, but now its really going on. And people are trying to cover up for a terrible loss that the Democrats had under Hillary Clinton.

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Donald Trump Is Once Again Going To War Against His Own Intelligence Agencies - Huffington Post

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