Donald Trump: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

Though Trump is seeking to pivot to the general election in order to become more acceptable to a broader group of voters, his latest ad, sowing fear and misinformation, is revealing. It is not only an attack on immigrants and refugees. It is an attack on the economic security of us all.

I really should get out of the habit of watching "Morning Joe." I'm an early riser and for a long time it seemed the perfect segue between my second cup of coffee (during "Way Too Early") and sitting down to work. Joe's bombastic ego and Mika's giggly, faux feminism got me just riled up enough to throw the comforter and dogs off my lap and head to the computer.

For those of us watching the Trump circus on the outside, it is unsettling, to say the least, watching millions of people led by their fears, and leaders like Gingrich who stoke them despite facts to the contrary.

Whether it's the now inevitable national unilateral rejection of you that you are already preparing for by saying things like the election is rigged and that the Sarah Palin media is turning on you or the unlimited Blue Velvet gas that you are huffing that is making you delusional enough to think that you have been both a fine parent and outstanding human being, let me say this:

So, when this banner ad from the Trump campaign popped up on my computer this morning, I knew there was something oddly familiar about the pose.

"You [Iranian officials] will be in the future etched in the annals of history as criminals. The greatest crime committed under the Islamic Republic, ...

The week began with a speech Donald Trump read off a TelePrompTer. And in a stunning development -- are you sitting down? -- he then did not stomp all over his message by saying monumentally stupid things for the rest of the week. No, really!

Obviously Trump doesn't give a damn about the black vote. But he does care very much about the non-racist white working and middle class vote.

Trey Ellis

Novelist, Screenwriter, and Associate Professor at Columbia University

In a state which may vote blue this November, Ayotte goes to great lengths to sound independent, almost like a Democrat. But is she?

Don C. Reed

Sponsor, Californias Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act of 1999

He called President Barack Obama an "Uncle Tom." Yes, he did. Green Party vice-presidential nominee Ajamu Baraka ...

Ian Reifowitz

Author of 'Obamas America: A Transformative Vision of Our National Identity'

Most of those who call her out dismiss her as a bigot, but after analyzing a number of her videos, I honestly don't think she is. She is, however, extremely angry about issues that she isn't very well-versed on.

There is a growing asymmetry between the media's mounting demands for Donald Trump to release his tax returns (Hillary has done so) and their diminishing demands that Hillary Clinton release the secret transcripts of her $5000 per minute speeches before closed-door banking conferences and other business conventions.

As Trump stokes the fear of fear itself, I am reminded of Nietzsche's saying that "whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster."

In Trump's warped world, it might be enough to vaguely say that you have regrets. But Trump owes the people he has attacked and bullied so much more than that.

Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm

Former Governor of Michigan; Senior Adviser, Correct The Record; Senior Research Fellow, UC Berkeley's Energy and Climate Institute

Having offended constituencies vital to securing electoral success in November, including blacks, Latinos and women, Donald Trump has now seemingly su...

Nikolas Kozloff

Author, 'Revolution! South America and the Rise of the New Left'

I recently wrote about the misappropriation of the term "passionate about" and how it makes my head spin. Today I'm losing my marbles over the use of "authentic."

Pam Ferderbar

Satirist, humorist. Author of Feng Shui and Charlotte Nightingale.

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Donald Trump: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

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