Donald Trump Set to Give ‘Major’ Immigration Speech – ABC News

Donald Trump is going to be back out on the campaign trail today with his long-awaited speech that is slated to unveil the newest version of his immigration plan.

The speech comes after Trump and his campaign staff differed when describing portions of his policy relating to immigration, indicating that there might be changes from what he has previously mentioned on the trail.

Trump will also meet with Mexican president Enrique Pea Nieto today. Trump's past comments on building a wall on the southwestern border and making Mexico pay for it, and his references to Mexico "sending people that have lots of problems" to the U.S. -- including "rapists" -- set off a firestorm on both sides of the border.

The biggest change to Trump's immigration stance seems to center around the previously planned deportation force that would have been dedicated to removing people who now live in the United States but originally arrived illegally. In recent weeks, Trump has appeared to be wavering on what to do with some longstanding residents who have families and jobs and no criminal history.

Trump's communications director Jason Miller previewed the speech on Tuesday on Fox News, saying that "nothing's changed with Mr. Trump's stance."

Miller reiterated that "there will a physical wall on the Mexican border" and said that a Trump administration would do "a much better job" at deporting people than the current administration has been doing.

"He has been remarkably consistent. He's going to stop illegal immigration," Miller said.

Trump himself has also been promoting the speech on Twitter.

See the rest here:
Donald Trump Set to Give 'Major' Immigration Speech - ABC News

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