Donald Trump tells Angela Merkel to pay ‘vast sums’ owed to NATO – Boston Herald

President Trump lashed out at Germany yesterday for owing vast sums of money to NATO and claimed the 28-member military alliance needs to pay the U.S. for protection less than a day after sitting down with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

In a tweet posted yesterday morning, Trump asserted that despite what Americans may be hearing from the FAKE NEWS, his sit-down with Merkel was a great meeting before accusing the nation of owing vast sums of money to NATO. His two-part Twitter post ended with: The United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!

Only five of the North Atlantic Treaty Organizations 28 member countries meet the alliances defense spending goal: the U.S., the U.K., Greece, Poland and Estonia.

In 2014, NATO committed to having each nation spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense by 2024 a timeline set in the wake of Russias invasion of Crimea and one that Merkel reaffirmed this week in Washington, D.C. Germany currently spends 1.23 percent of its GDP on defense.

Former U.S. Ambassador for NATO Ivo Daalder was quick to point out that Trump isnt the first U.S. president to call on our European allies to up their defense spending.

The essential point is, yes, Europe needs to pay more. Daalder told the Herald, though he said theres no zero-sum ledger that shows Germany or any other nation owes the United States for its military might.

This entire idea that our defense spending somehow is for others, as opposed to for ourselves, is wrong, he said. We are spending on defense because we think its important to defend the things were defending, including Europe. Its not a favor we do.

Continued here:
Donald Trump tells Angela Merkel to pay 'vast sums' owed to NATO - Boston Herald

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