Donald Trump’s ‘successes’ after 6 months, rated – CNN

Here's the tweet: "The Fake News refuses to report the success of the first 6 months: S.C., surging economy & jobs, border & military security,ISIS & MS-13 etc." Let's set aside for a moment the specious claim that the media has not reported on these issues. It has. (Here are but one post each on the Supreme Court, the economy and jobs, border and military security and ISIS and MS-13.)

But given his allegation, I thought it made sense to run through each of his claims of success -- providing context and some sense of how much (or little) he's actually accomplished. Below I break down each claim in the order Trump touted them.

This is an unmitigated success for Trump. His nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court was widely touted by conservatives. And, although Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had to change the Senate rules to get Gorsuch confirmed -- after Harry Reid had done the same thing for lower court justices a few years back -- Gorsuch is currently sitting on the Court. And at 49, he will likely be there for a long time. (Trump's success here also got an assist from McConnell for refusing to hold a hearing for Barack Obama's nominee to fill that seat.)

RULING: Trump success.

Let's take the second part first, since it's easier to quantify.

For context, here's the annual GDP growth rate for the last 5 years, starting with 2016: 1.5%, 2.9%, 2.6%, 1.7%, 2.2%. The average GDP in the first two quarters of 2017 is 1.9%. If that's where it ends up, 2017 will be right in the middle of GDP growth rates over the past six years. (There is, of course, the possibility GDP growth will speed or slow considerably in the coming months.) Trump's more ambitious goal and promise is to get the country to 4% annual growth rate.

So, to claim the economy and jobs are "surging" is somewhat misleading, although there's no question the stock market is booming -- and has been since Trump took office.

RULING: Partial Trump success

RULING: Trump success on border security; unclear on military

RULING: Trump is broadly right about success against ISIS; too soon to know about MS-13

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Donald Trump's 'successes' after 6 months, rated - CNN

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