Donald Trump’s watching a lot of television, and it’s worrying his aides: reports – Salon

President Donald Trump is obsessed with the media consuming it, reacting to itand being depicted positively by it. That obsessions is born not only out of egotism but, as recent reports reveal, by a seemingly-uncontrollable fixation on them. The word addiction is not being used here literally, but when reading about his media consumption habits, it can be difficult to think of a fitting substitute.

Print copies of three newspapers, wroteMike Allen and Jim VandeHei of Axios in an article describing the presidents media habits on Tuesday. When Billy Bush was on, Access Hollywood every night. TiVo of the morning and evening news shows so he can watch the tops of all of them. Always 60 Minutes. Often Meet the Press. Lots of New York talk radio.

Allen and VandeHei also reportedthat Trump doesnt read books and avoids reports and briefings he considers too lengthy. That didntmean that Trump is hip to advancing technologies, however he doesnt use computers and rarely uses his phone for anything but calls. Even his infamous tweets are oftendictated and then submitted by others. He doesnt follow online news outlets, instead preferring traditional outlets including newspapers like The New York Times and The New York Post (which one friend referred to as the paper of record for him) and journalistic programs like 60 Minutes.

He is particularly obsessed with TV.

On Saturday, when Trump saw TV networks comparing his own tepid inaugural turnout with Obamas much more impressive showing in 2009, he became so infuriated that his advisers were unable to convince him to ignore the negative coverage or simply respond to it on Twitter, according to The Washington Post on Monday. Instead he demanded that Press Secretary Sean Spicer denounce the negative coverage, and despite widespread criticism that Spicer had crossed the line by blatantly promoting lies about Trumps inauguration (or what Kellyanne Conway later referred to as alternative facts), Trumps main complaint was that Spicer had seemed too reliant on a printed statement and had not been sufficiently compelling. He was more pleased with Spicers performance on Monday.

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Donald Trump's watching a lot of television, and it's worrying his aides: reports - Salon

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