How Trump feels about WikiLeaks: A timeline – USA TODAY

The website claims they have several hundred million lines of code from the CIA's hacking arsenal that includes damaging information. USA TODAY NETWORK

President Trump has remained mum about the release of CIA documents by WikiLeaks on Tuesday.

While Trump praised the organization during the 2016 presidential campaign, he has been at odds with them in recent months, including over Trump's attack on Wikileaks source Chelsea Manning and the president's ongoing refusal to release his tax returns. Trump lastmentioned WikiLeaks on Twitter onNov. 5, 2016, three days prior to Election Day, when he posted a story about a WikiLeaks release and Clinton campaign aides.

Here are some of the notable times Trump has talked about WikiLeaks in the past:

Trump: "I think it's disgraceful."

Where: In a preview for a December 2010 interview withKilmeade & Friends, as reported by CNN

Context: Trump, years prior to announcing his presidential campaign, appeared on the Kilmeade & Friends, a radio show on Fox News. In a clip posted on YouTube to preview the interview, host Brian Kilmeade mentioned WikiLeaks, saying, "You didn't have anything to do with it, did you?" Trump replied, "Nope, but I think it's disgraceful. I think there should be a death penalty or something." Earlier that week in a move that helped bring WikiLeaks into international view, the nonprofit organization began releasing leaked U.S. embassy cables.

Trump: Went on a tweetstorm to talk about the WikiLeaks release of emails from the Democratic National Committee. One tweet: "Leaked e-mails of DNC show plans to destroy Bernie Sanders. Mock his heritage and much more. On-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. RIGGED"

Where: Twitter

Context: On July 22, 2016, WikiLeaks dumped thousands of emails and attachments from top aides at the DNC. The emails raised questions about whether Democrats tried to undercut Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign in order to favor Hillary Clinton.

Trump: "I love WikiLeaks!"

Where: A campaign rally in Pennsylvania

Context: A few days before then-candidate Donald Trump spoke to supporters in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., WikiLeaks began releasing the emails of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.The emails were dropped within an hour of the release of the now infamous Access Hollywoodvideo of Trump bragging of kissing and groping women (and using some choice language to do so). At his campaign rally, Trump read the excerpts of Clinton's past closed-door speeches, which were contained within the emails released by WikiLeaks (and he twisted some of those excerpts while doing so).

Trump: "So in one case youre talking about highly classified information. In the other case youre talking about John Podesta saying bad things about the boss."

Where:Press conference at the White House

Context: During the press conference, Trump addressed leaks that resulted in the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn earlier that week, saying they werea "real problem." When a reporter noted that the president had encouraged leaks during the campaign, specifically from WikiLeaks, Trump replied that those releasesdid not compare because it was not classified: Podesta "said terrible things about her. But it wasn't classified information."


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How Trump feels about WikiLeaks: A timeline - USA TODAY

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