In Bizarre Series of Tweets, Don Cheadle Claims Donald Trump Used Racist Slur with Friend’s Father –

In a bizarre Twitter rant on Sunday, actorDon Cheadle,an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump,claimed that the Commander-in-Chief had used a racial slur before entering the White House.

The Oceans ElevenandCrashstarwas engulfed in the depths of a debate about Russias alleged ties with the Trump campaignwhen a useraccused him of Trump-hating way before treason.

Cheadle replied,Hated him since he asked my friends father at a Doral pro-am if hed ever fed a n Did it for me referring to the golf contest held at Trumps luxury resort in Doral, Miami.

Several fans pushed back, asking for proof of the incident.

Her father wasnt wearing a wire, the actor responded. But look up the 2M or so articles about Drumpf and racism if you need a primer. Start with his own book. (Drumpf refers to John Olivers moniker for Trump that he popularized during the election.)

Another challenged Cheadle why he hadnt brought up the accusation during the campaign. However, the actor said he didnt feel it would have made a difference.

Many already know this to be in his nature. Its not hidden, he wrote. And those who cant see it, might never. The story would have changed little.

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Although Cheadle did not specify when the incident happened and said he did not know his fathers friend, he persisted that the story was true.

Have you never been in a situation where language like this was used to describe a person of color, woman, gay person, Jewish person, LBGTQ person, Muslim, and just kept it to yourself? he wrote in a series of tweets. Weve ALL probably done something like this and then repeated it later to someone we know/love/trust, and sometimes with regret and shame that we didnt speak up at the time.

He continued, Same thing here. A father repeating it to his daughter with both disbelief of hearin the words and regret that he stayed quiet and minded his own business. Like that.

Cheadle also joked about his claim, saying that Jim No Last Name, a person Trump referred to when claiming Paris wasnt Paris anymore during a recent speech was his source. He also tweeted that he was onayahuasca, a hallucinogenic, although it wasnt clear if he was being serious.

The White House and Cheadles representatives did not immediately respond to PEOPLEs request for comment.

Trumphas yet to respond to Cheadles claim buthe has said in the past that he is the least racist person youve ever met.

Cheadle has not been shy in expressing his feelings about Trump. InAugust, he called Trump a POS(piece of s) in response to a tweet from the Republican nominee suggesting African Americans would vote for him afterthe shooting of basketball star Dwyane Wades cousin in Chicago.

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In Bizarre Series of Tweets, Don Cheadle Claims Donald Trump Used Racist Slur with Friend's Father -

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