Jeff Flake sets an example for Donald Trump – CNN

On the other hand, there's Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake, who just gave us a profile in leadership by standing up to anti-Muslim bigotry directed at one of the Democratic candidates seeking to unseat him in the 2018 election.

Flake's potential Democratic opponent, Deedra Abboud, is a lawyer and the founder of a leadership consulting firm. Abboud is also a hijab-wearing Muslim woman and as such has been subject to hateful anti-Muslims comments since she announced her candidacy in April.

Flake, upon hearing about this display of hate, didn't remain silent. Instead he tweeted his support to Abboud: "Hang in there @deedra2018. Sorry you have to put up with this. Lots of wonderful people across AZ. You'll find them."

Flake didn't have to get involved in standing up to bigotry against one of his political opponents. But as opposed to what we've seen from Trump, Flake has a record of leadership in opposing intolerance.

Jeff Flake sets an example for Donald Trump - CNN

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