Letters: From Mike Kagay to Donald Trump, and Black Lives Matter to trans athletes, readers voice strong opinions – The Topeka Capital-Journal
The truth about the Fairness in Womens Sports Act
Gov. Kelly vetoed the Fairness in Womens Sports Act, betraying the needs of girls for the demands of the radical Left. There are many lies about this bill, and its time to set the record straight.
Fact: the Fairness in Womens Sports Act still lets transgender kids play sports. The only thing the bill does is keep biological boys from stealing sports opportunities in meant for biological women. Before Title IX, just 295,000 women participated in high school athletics in 1972. Today, 3.4 million girls play sports, 42,000 Kansas girls compete in high school athletics.
And heres why it matters that girls have their own teams: Males have a normal strength, agility, and speed advantage over females. Without a female-specific team, many women would have no opportunity to engage in competitive sports.
Our opponents say younger generation doesnt support this bill. But the youngest female senator in Kansas history, Kristen OShea, along with many young former KU athletes and a former Olympian, are just a few of the young women who support this bill. Not to mention, I am a woman in my 20s who personally benefited from womens sports.
Fact: Policies from the KSSHA and the NCAA are allowing biological males into girls sports. Both policies are similar to the policy in Connecticut that has allowed two biological males to steal 15 state championships from 10 girls who previously held the titles. We cannot allow Kansas to become Connecticut. Our girls deserve better.
Brittany Jones (director of advocacy, Family Policy Alliance of Kansas), Topeka
My mind spins at the words "trillion dollars." Most people in America can't even tell you how many zeroes that is, let alone what you could spend it on. The national debt has been maxed out for all my life, yet there is no sign that anyone in Congress can balance their check book.
America spent $17 trillion on a helicopter that spent five seconds landing on Mars. When Americans go to Mars will we be called "aliens"and be greeted with open arms?
Everyday I receive fiverequests for money to help feed Americans, but $3.4 million dollars was spent to replace road signs. Hi-Crest streets haven't been resurfaced for 50 years, yet the choice of the money managers make more amusement parks andwalking trailsthat people of low income can't afford to use. Having fun isn't all there is.
It's not lack of education only that keeps the hungry wanting more free stuff; it's the lack of learning responsibility for taking care of things they have. Give a man a fish, and he will be back tomorrow for more.
School is teaching computers, electronic devices, but not common sense as to how their parents worked (some day and night) to give them nicer things. In many cases you can't be at every ball gameand provide for the family, too.
Compromise is a part of life. The unending expectations of unmet needs will lead you right where hard feelings will eventually be your fault.
How sad to see the system isn't working.
Joyce Stuckey, Topeka
Diversity means variety and is the opposite of uniformity. However, when the left speaks of diversity, they purposely divide this nation into racial and intellectual groups, judging everyone by skin color and beliefs. In the process, they promote racism, bigotry, hate and cancel tactics.
Many diverse groups are attracted to this country due to the great energy, love, devotion, work ethic and success of our forefathers. Many of their countries were destroyed by the craziness that the left is promoting.
Democrats support "Black Lives Matter,"which is an admitted communist organization that encourages protests and destruction of our democracy. Support real Black lives instead by donating to their churches, legitimate organizations, inner city neighborhoods, jobs, schools and families. Dont support BLM, which only exists to spew hate, corruption and violence while undermining the true Black middle classand American progress.
Cancel policies have been around forever. The Democrats cancel movement is being used as a tool for domination and suppression. If one erases the history of our forefathers, those same liars can promote diverse views and indoctrinate weak minds with insane propaganda.
Democrat leftists and monopolies want to define what one should think and do. This defies our basic freedoms and principles.
Our forefathers foresaw and made laws to keep monopolies from controlling our democracy. Yet giant telecoms and corporations enjoy monopolistic powers, enabled by federal law and political ineptness, to assert their will over ours. Boycott them.
Michael C. Welch, Topeka
My fellow Kansans, it is with concern and hope that I am writing today.
Vaccinations are readily available to most citizens and in the long run, these could preserve your lifetimes.
Kansas may well have turned the corner and also the rest of our country if people continue to be vaccinated. COVID-19 was responsible for over half a million deaths in this country. The relief is there and it is time to be vaccinated!
Why am I preaching? Myself, I am 72 years old and have had two vaccines of the Pfizer product with no repercussions. However, I do understand that younger persons in their 30s to 50s have experienced flulike symptoms for a few days. It may well be worth a trip to the family doctor to determine if it can be tolerated. A few hours or one or two days of discomfort may be necessary if it will protect your lives in the long run.
The Center for Disease Control is still advising us to proceed with caution.
My fellow Kansans, it is because I care about my fellow citizens that I feel compelled to write. Please take care of one another and most of all, be safe!
Sandra Powell, Topeka
Hopefully President Biden will make nuclear deals with Iran and North Korea. However, it is equally to be hoped that he does not repeat the fatal flaw of the first Iran deal: It imposed a waiting period for the inspection of suspected sites.
This would have allowed them to move the materials for making a nuclear weapon such as enriched uranium to a second site during the waiting period for the first site; then when the second site would come under suspicion, it would have a waiting period during which the material could be moved to a third site; and so on. (That is why a future president may cancel the deal again.)
Alvin Blake, Topeka
Donald Trump is Americas Adolph Hitler wannabe. Trumps speech and behavior, which reflect his thinking, are those of a raging Nazi. His blatant Nazi tactics include fomenting hatred toward Asian-Americans and other minority groups, inciting the insurrection with its carnage and deaths in the nations capitol and continuing to try to overturn the fair and honest 2020 election.
How can Republicans who fancy themselves closer to God, more patriotic and more in love with America, liberty and freedom than other groups give their overwhelming support and adoration to a buffoon who shows no respect for the Constitution and continues to try by any corrupt means to gain control of the country? Thats an imponderable issue of our era.
It requires a combination of Trumps skill as a liar and con artist coupled with unimaginable levels of gullibility and stupidity on the parts of millions of Republicans. Their brains are seemingly dead, numb or anesthetized.
Rest assured, the most dangerous threat to American democracy isnt Russia, China, North Korea or homegrown terrorists. Its Donald Trump. Sweet Jeepers! Unless theres a major enlightenment, were headed for big trouble.
Richard Schutz, Topeka
Institutional racism and white privilege exist. It is time, actually, past time, that these are discussed and understoodand that we undertake the necessary work of learning about our history which has been incomplete. What we do now is important.
One way to move forward is to empower women and strengthen communities by increasing the gender diversity of our city councils and school boards. Gender diversity improves public trust.
This past year definitely has shown us how important local government is to our daily lives. The COVID-19 pandemic, law enforcement, and racial justice movement remind us of the importance of having local governments (i.e., county commissions, city councils, school boards, as well as civic boards and commissions) that are truly representative of all voices in our communities.
At YWCA Northeast Kansas, we believe equitable representation of women, LGBTQIA+ individualsand minorities within the Topeka community is a necessary step toward a future free from racism, sexism, and all forms of oppression.
We would like to encourage citizens of this community to step into their power and consider running for office in an effort to normalize the underrepresented in positions of influence within the Topeka area. You may find information on how to register as a candidate atbit.ly/VoteTopekaand bit.ly/VoteShawneeCo. The deadline for submission is noonJune 01.
Please consider your role as a catalyst for positive change within this community, where women, children, and people of color are seen as equal, powerful, and unstoppable.
Alisha Saucedo (YWCA Northeast Kansas Advocacy Committee), Topeka
The FY2020 Kansas Department of Corrections Annual Report notes that 40% of our total prison population suffers from mental illness, with the majority of inmates diagnosed with serious mental illness, a condition that interrupts daily routine and requires managed care.
Did you know that the state of Kansas abolished the insanity defense in 1995? Since 1884, Kansas courts had employed the M'Naghten Rule as an affirmative defense of insanity, but now legislators were asked to do away with fundamental, common law.
Per K.S.A. 22-3220, now, K.S.A. 21-5209, a defendant can enter a plea of mental defect to trigger the prosecution's burden to prove mens rea or criminal intent. If the prosecution can prove that the defendant intended a crime, they have a "guilty mind." Mental disease or defect is not otherwise a defense.
In McLinn v. Kansas, one notion brought up by the prosecutor was a supposed, purposeful force Sarah McLinn used to sever Hal Sasko's head. This supposed, purposeful force satisfied a criminal intent to determine a "culpable mental state," but Sarah, diagnosed with multiple personalities, couldn't enter into evidence her pathology as a defense.
In his 1998 criticism of the Kansas abolition of the insanity defense, Marc Rosen explains "there is one major limitation on the defendant's ability to introduce evidence corroborating or showing the existence of a mental disease or defect. Such evidence is only admissible as it specifically relates to the requisite mens rea of the offense."
Now KDOC wants taxpayer dollars for the needs of mentally ill inmates when we have funded state hospitals to treat defendants. It is time to restore an insanity defense in Kansas.
Keri Strahler, Topeka
The best news of 2021 has been the invention of a vaccine that protects the population against a raging pandemic. The COVID-19 vaccine has been given to a large segment of the population and the pandemic has been subsiding.
The most vulnerable of our population are elderly folks living in their homes, assisted living facilitiesand nursing homes. In the effort to vaccinate our seniors, we have allowed some of most vulnerable population to slip through the cracks.
My mother-in-law went to a nursing home in February, after the first wave of the vaccine had been given to the residents. We have requested that she be given the vaccine and have been told by the nursing home staff that she is on the list. Yet, days and weeks go by and she has not been offered the vaccine.
Because of the pandemic, we have not been able to visit her room, meet her new friendsor tour the facility. We would gladly take her to get the vaccine ourselves, but we are not allowed to take her out of the nursing home.
The home has tested my mother-in-law for the virus on a regular basis but has yet to arrange to take her to get vaccinated. How can we say we care for our most vulnerable loved ones when we do not give them an opportunity to be properly vaccinated? We should ensure that the most vulnerable members of society to get vaccinated.
Maurice Hime, Topeka
CJ recently published an article about 10 people who listed their UPS addresses on voter forms.
When Congressman Steve Watkins did the same thing, he was charged with three felonies, costing him an election.
D.A. Mike Kagay, are these 10 folks felons? Logically, it doesnt seem so, because now Kagay is saying he doesn't investigate allegations of voter fraud or direct law enforcement to do so and avoids followup questions. Whats with the double-standard?
After an investigation that dragged on a year, Watkins was served miraculously moments before a debate, which was also somehow the day before voting. Hmm.
Which is more likely: It was the biggest coincidence in the history of Kansas politicsor Kagay and Jake LaTurners people executed an unethical swamp-style political ambush?
Kansans lost what would have been the next great, smart, honest, charismatic, war veteran in Congressman Watkins. But the real losers are those involved in this cabal, including and especially Kagay and LaTurner.
Andrew Wallentine, Topeka
See the original post here:
Letters: From Mike Kagay to Donald Trump, and Black Lives Matter to trans athletes, readers voice strong opinions - The Topeka Capital-Journal
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