Michael Cohen suggests Trump is looking to blackmail the DOJ – Salon

Appearing on MSNBC on Sunday morning, former Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen said he wouldn't put it past the former president to threaten to reveal secrets to foreign powers if the Department of Justice tries to indict him.

Speaking with fill-in host Michael Steele on "The Sunday Show," Cohen was asked why he thinks Trump hauled classified documents to Mar-a-Lago with him after he lost the 2020 presidential election.

"Based on everything you know about him, why do you think he wanted to keep those top secret documents at Mar-a-Lago," host Steele asked.

"He's gonna use it as a get out of jail free card," Cohen immediately shot back. "It's a way to extort America turn around to say if you put me in jail, if you go after me -- he'll even say his children -- I will have my loyal supporters who you do not know who has copies of information that may have been, and again this is my conjecture, that I would take those documents, I will release them to Iran, to China, to North Korea, to Russia.

"You want to take me down, I'll take the whole country down," he added.

"Remember, and I've said this with you 1000 times, Mike, Donald Trump doesn't care about this country," he continued. "He doesn't care about anyone or anything other than himself."

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Michael Cohen suggests Trump is looking to blackmail the DOJ - Salon

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