Norman Lear: Donald Trump Is the Middle Finger of the American Right Hand – The Nation.

What distinguishes All in the Family, which had 60 million viewers during the 1970s, from political satire today?

Donald Trump (AP Photo / Matt Rourke)

Norman Lear, who created All in the Family, reflects on why it succeeded in the Age of Nixonand on what is different about political satire in the Age of Trump.

Plus: The Nations Zo Carpenter reports on Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley, who has taken the lead in fighting for an alternative to the GOPs repeal and replacement of Obamacare.

And: Amy Goldstein of The Washington Post discusses what happened when Paul Ryans hometown lost its GM plant. Her new book is Janesville.

Zo Carpenter: Jeff Merkley Is the Antithesis of Donald Trump

Amy Goldstein: What Happened When Paul Ryans Hometown Lost its GM Plant?

Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, and SoundCloud for new episodes each Thursday. Start Making Sense is hosted by Jon Wiener and co-produced by the Los Angeles Review of Books.

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Norman Lear: Donald Trump Is the Middle Finger of the American Right Hand - The Nation.

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