North Korea to Donald Trump: Delete Your Account – GOOD Magazine

History books are filled with stories of how terrible wars were started. The assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand triggered WWI. Hitler invadingPoland and the bombing of Pearl Harbor aretwo tragic catalysts forWWII.Its hard to imagine how future historians will one day frame a looming conflict with North Korea and the United States: You see, there was this thing called Twitter.

Weve all known that@realDonaldTrumps Twitterfeed is inaccurate, poorly spelled, dopey, reckless, and dangerous in its whimsical abuse ofpresidential power that might one day lead to impeachment. But now, were realizing just how immediately dangerous his 140-character claptrap actually is.

A nation thats been building costly nuclear arsenals like Trump would a chain of overpriced hotels accused Trump of building tensions with his aggressive tweets that are making trouble. Vice Minister Han Song Ryol told the Associated Press in an exclusive interview on April 14that We will go to warshould the United Statesprovoke militarily. Weve got a powerful nuclear deterrent already in our hands, and we certainly will not keep our arms crossed in the face of a U.S. pre-emptive strike.

This wouldprobably a good time for a few key people to sit down at the negotiating table. And it seems China is attempting to orchestrate just that. Mike Pence just flewto South Korea to see how he might use his rapidly developingforeign policy skillsto alleviate the tension.Problem is, Trump has sent so many aggressive tweets, its hard to pin down which ones the North Korean government might find so nuclear-deterrent worthy. Hes tweeted any number of times about North Korea.

But it appears North Korea did cite two specific tweets Trump blarped out:

To make matters worse, Sean Spicer sassily letNorth Korea know it wason notice.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson also claimed the administration has spoken enough about North Korea.

Its absurd for a country that has been testing mass weaponry as a potential threat to the United Statesfor years to source Trumpsaggressive social media practices. Especially when they could just as easily point to the fact thatTrump approved what he called anarmada of aircraft carriersto Korean waters with Jaws-likemenace.

But the Twitter feed it is. Which meansat this particularly precarious, terrifyingmoment in American history, the only response now is to quote the words of the very wise, almost-Commander in Chief Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump not long ago:

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North Korea to Donald Trump: Delete Your Account - GOOD Magazine

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