President Trump lashes out about Ivanka reports, Chelsea Clinton replies – USA TODAY

President Donald Trump is coming to his daughter's defense and goes after Chelsea Clinton and the the fake media all in one tweet. Susana Victoria Perez (@susana_vp) has more. Buzz60

Seemingly distressed over how media organizations reported onhis daughter sitting in for him during partof the G20 summit, President Trump on Monday criticized the media, saying "fake news" organizations would have treated another presidential daughter differently.

"If Chelsea Clinton were asked to hold the seat for her mother,as her mother gave our country away, the Fake News would say CHELSEA FOR PRES!" the president tweeted.

Chelsea Clinton wasn't about to let him have the final say, though.

"Good morning Mr. President. It would never have occurred to my mother or my father to ask me. Were you giving our country away? Hoping not," she replied.

Trump's early morning tweet was a response to storiesabout and criticisms over daughter Ivanka Trump literally taking his seat among world leaders during a G20 session on Saturday. The president stepped away to meet with the leader of Indonesia. The White House insisted it was not an unusual arrangement.

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President Trump lashes out about Ivanka reports, Chelsea Clinton replies - USA TODAY

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