Press: Trump is running out of gas | TheHill – The Hill

What? You didnt even know about it? Dont worry. Youre not alone. Almost nobody, except for the most die-hard Trump supporters, heard about it ahead of time.Like his earlier MAGA event on Jan.16 inArizona,Trumps Texas rallywas one of the best-kept secrets in American politics.

Of course, the faithful turned out in big numbers.But thats all.Trump wassimply preaching to the choir. You couldnt watch it on TV, either. None of the networks carriedthe rallylive. Neither did CNN or MSNBC. Not even Fox News. Only Fox Nation, the streaming service, and Newsmax, the 24/7 Trump cable channel, bothered to air the rally. And, other than the Houston Chronicle, there was almost zero print coverage. No wonder. It was the same old crowd being fed the same old lies.

Isnt it comforting to know thatthere areat least three Republicanswho believe that assaulting a police officer doesnot merit a presidential pardon?

For the second time in two weeks,Donald Trump laid an egg.And thatshouldtell us something:The Trump show is getting old.Its like expecting people to still watch Dancing with the Stars.Yeah, it was fun at first, but it soon got old. So has Trump. Hesso yesterday. Hes only been out ofofficea year, yet everyday fewer and fewer people care about what he says or does anymore.Especially because he sounds like such a broken record.

Which leads to the obvious conclusion and, no matter what you think, its not just wishful thinkingon my partDONALD TRUMP IS RUNNING OUT OF GAS.

Thats clearto me for three reasons. First because,Trumpstill refuses to admit he lost in 2020. Which is a growing problem for Republicans. They say they want to focus on the future, yet they stick with Donald Trump, and hes stuck in the past. In Arizona and Texas, all he talked aboutwas:the election was stolen; Jan.6 wasnt all that bad; and people are picking on me.

And finally, Trump is more and more mired down in legal troubles he cant just wish away. Every day,the Jan.6 inches closer and closer to charging Trump himself, which the Justice Department may already be considering. New York Attorney General Letitia James has clearly intensified her investigation of the Trump organization. And a Georgia grand jurys been convened to investigate charges of election interference by Trump.

It wont be long beforethe majority ofRepublicans conclude that Donald Trump is more of a liability than an asset. In fact, he already is.

Press is host of The Bill Press Pod. He is author of From the Left: A Life in the Crossfire.

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Press: Trump is running out of gas | TheHill - The Hill

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