S.N.L.: Watch Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump Humiliate Paul Ryan – Vanity Fair

Portraits of Gilda Radner as Baba Wawa and John Belushi as Samurai Futaba, hand tinted by S.N.L.s longtime photographer, Edie Baskin.

By Edie Baskin/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Dan Aykroyd takes a call backstage while dressed as Beldar Conehead.

By Edie Baskin/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Chevy Chase in a wig and prosthetic nose, 1977.

By Edie Baskin/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Land Shark takes a bite out of John Belushi while Gilda Radner sits idly by.

By Edie Baskin/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Nerds Bill Murray and Gilda Radner take in the view, 1978.

By Edie Baskin/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Writer Erin Maroney, Chris Farley, Ryan Shiraki, and Billy Baldwin backstage during the 1990s.

By Edie Baskin/Courtesy of S.N.L.

The fabled van down by the river, home of iconic motivational speaker Matt Foley, played by Chris Farley.

By Edie Baskin/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Party time! Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar, coming to you live from Aurora, Illinoiss community access channel.

By Edie Baskin/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Inside the writers room: Executive producer Lorne Michaels sits at the head of the table, the host to his right, and the head writer to his left.

By Edie Baskin/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Will Ferrell as Harry Hugs for the sketch Happy Smile Patrol, 1999.

By Mary Ellen Matthews/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Thank you for smoking: Tracy Morgan observing workplace smoking regulations.

By Edie Baskin/Courtesy of S.N.L.

In the makeup chair: Garrett Morris as Idi Amin, Fred Armisen as Prince, and Dana Carvey as George Michael.

From left: by Edie Baskin, Mary Ellen Matthews, and Suzy M. Drasnin. Courtesy of S.N.L.

Face off: Special-effects experts rig busts of Kenan Thompson, Nasim Pedrad, and Bobby Moynihan with explosives.

By Alison Castle/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Photographer Mary Ellen Matthews shooting Will Ferrell ahead of his second stint as host.

By Dana Edelson/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Behind the scenes of Laser Cats 7 in Lorne Michaels office, with Steven Spielberg, Bill Hader, and Andy Samberg.

By Dana Edelson/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler at the Weekend Update desk during rehearsals, 2004.

By Mary Ellen Matthews/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Bob Dole and Norm MacDonald as Bob Dole, shortly after the 1996 election.

By Mary Ellen Matthews/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Playing politics: Alec Baldwin, Sarah Palin, and Lorne Michaels backstage with Tina Fey as Palin on the monitor. Amy Poehler and Hillary Clinton, 2008.

By Dana Edelson/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Barack Obama makes a cameo at Bill and Hillary Clintons Halloween party, 2007.

By Dana Edelson/Courtesy of S.N.L.

Saturday Night Live: The Book (Taschen), out February 25.

Courtesy of S.N.L.

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S.N.L.: Watch Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump Humiliate Paul Ryan - Vanity Fair

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