‘The Art Of The Fail’: The Meme That Ate Donald Trump’s Book – Huffington Post

PresidentDonald Trumpsbusiness boasts in his bookThe Art of the Dealreturned to haunt him after the GOP failed to repeal Obamacare and replace it with hisTrumpcare health planFriday. And the irony was not lost on many social media users, who quickly turned the title into hilarious memes.

To illustrate the GOPs bill failure, memesters and commentators offered up new titles, such as The Art of the Fail, The Art of the Bad Deal, The Art of the Ordeal,The Art of Repeal, The Fart of the Deal, and even The Shart of the Deal. And that doesnt begin to cover the comments...

Actor Jim Carrey went way out on a limb to post the most memorable dig, with visual that earned him lots of Twitter admonishments to have some respect for the president.

See the original post here:
'The Art Of The Fail': The Meme That Ate Donald Trump's Book - Huffington Post

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