This week in Donald Trump’s conflicts of interest: When Ivanka and Melania tried to cash in – Salon

Donald Trumps family is now ready to make money off the presidency, with an assist from the White House.

Ivanka Trump wants you to buy her stuff.

Because Ivanka Trump isnt employed by the White House, there isno immediate conflict of interest posed by her wanting to continue profiting off of her fashion line, which was unceremoniously dumped by Nordstrom and other retail outlets this week. But there wasa conflict whenthe presidentused his official presidentialTwitter accountto retweet a message bashing Nordstrom. And this week, one of his top aides openly promotedIvankas products.

The rest of the political world including the head of Congress committee on oversight seems to have taken notice.

Melania Trump is upset that shes lost a once in a lifetime opportunity to profit from being first lady.

While the first ladywas understandably miffed at The Daily Mail for spreading a false rumor that she had once worked as an escort, her lawsuitagainst the publication complained that she had lost multimillion-dollar business relationships that would have occurred due to her unique, once in a lifetime opportunity to act as one of the most photographed women in the world.

That sounds an awful lot like she was trying to rake in the big bucks from being first lady, subsequent denials notwithstanding.

Trumps actions to separate himself from his business empire were effectively meaningless.

Independent experts have long had doubts over whether Trumps so-called attempts to avoid conflicts of interest with his business empire have been adequate. Now we know, thanks to a report by the New York Times last week, that the trustees of Trumps business empire are going to be his own son, Donald Jr., and the chief financial officer of the Trump Organization,Allen H. Weisselberg. President Trump will continue to receive reports on the financial situation within his businesses and can revoke their authority at any time.

The military is going to spend millions protecting Trump at Trump Tower.

Anyone who has tried to go near Trump Tower while the president is there can attest to what a pain it has been, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has made it clear he isnt thrilled about his city footing the bill for Trumps staying there. That said, there is now a new issue with Trump Tower namely, the fact that the military is going to have to spend a pretty penny to protect the president while he stays there. How much? Were not sure, but the going rate to rent a floor there is $1.5 million a year.

PLUS: Trumps hosting the prime minister of Japan atMar-a-Lago, a for-profit place that benefits him.

While Trump has said that he willpersonally foot the billforJapanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abes visit to Mar-a-Lago, its unclear what evidence the White House will provide that it happened.

Nevertheless, a president is going to have a world leader visit his club, which already doubled its rates after Trump was elected president.

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This week in Donald Trump's conflicts of interest: When Ivanka and Melania tried to cash in - Salon

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