Trump: ‘Fake News will be forced to discuss’ White House accomplishments – Politico

President Donald Trump has complained loudly that the media have dedicated too much time to coverage of the ongoing investigations into Russian interference in last years election. | AP Photo

The media that President Donald Trump has so often derided for what he perceives as their unfair coverage of his administration will soon have no choice but to report on the White Houses preferred issues, the president wrote online Monday morning.

At some point the Fake News will be forced to discuss our great jobs numbers, strong economy, success with ISIS, the border & so much else! Trump wrote on Twitter, listing issues on which he has claimed success since taking office.

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The president, along with other members of his administration, has complained loudly that the media have dedicated too much time to coverage of the ongoing investigations into Russian interference in last years presidential election, as well as other scandals and controversies, at the expense of news that might portray Trump in a more positive light. Often, coverage that the White House has complained about has been spurred by Trumps own Twitter account, where he regularly posts incendiary comments.

Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, appearing Monday morning on Fox News' "Fox & Friends," said the media have paid too much attention to the president's tweets and not enough to the substance of the policies he has advocated, including an overhaul of the nation's health care system.

"The media have now moved on from Russia to cover themselves, and I doubt that's going to help their 14 percent approval rating. The American people see that they're trying to interfere with the president communicating directly through his very powerful social media network channels," she said. "But also, they notice that they don't cover the substance of the issues. Look, I know it is a heck of a lot easier to cover 140 characters here or there or what the president may be saying about the media here or there than it is to learn the finer points of how Medicaid is funded in this country and how that would or would not change under the Senate bill."

Trump's tweet Monday comes on the heels of several social media posts in which the president blasted members of the media, including MSNBC hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough as well as CNN.

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In pushing back against what it has labeled unfair coverage, the White House has regularly pointed to decreases in illegal border crossings, progress in the military campaign against the Islamic State and continued positive economic indicators that began during the administration of former President Barack Obama. Many of those economic numbers that the White House has celebrated as proof of its successes were once dismissed by Trump as phony and one of the biggest hoaxes in American politics.

Trump did not directly indicate what would compel the media to alter their pattern of White House coverage but seemed to imply that the forward momentum that his administration has claimed would leave the press with no other option. And despite Trumps assertion that the media will be forced to cover the issues listed in his tweet, the topics have already been the subject of reporting by multiple media outlets.

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Trump: 'Fake News will be forced to discuss' White House accomplishments - Politico

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