Trump taunted with ‘Lock him up’ is ‘sickening’ to …

President Donald Trump drew loud boos and jeers when introduced to the crowd at game 5 of the World Series in Washington on Sunday night. Trump appeared unfazed and continued waving. (Oct. 28) AP, AP

"Morning Joe" hostsJoe Scarborough andMika Brzezinski have taken to social media to respond to backlash to their disgust expressed on Monday's showwith the way President Donald Trump was treated atGame 5 of the World Series Sunday night.

The commander in chief and the first lady watched D.C.'shome team take on the Houston Astros at Nationals Park. In the fourth inning, some attendees began shouting "lock him up," a reference to themotto that Trump supporters directed at Hillary Clinton in 2016. Trump was also booed.

Brzezinskishared a pair of photos with her co-host and husband to Instagram.

"Its one of those days when I feel the need to say how proud I am to be sharing this show (and life)with this man!!" she wrote in the caption."Joe and I both feel strongly that our democracy is being challenged and even squandered every day by weak Republicans who cannot put country over party. Its why Joe left the party.

"He is still a conservative. He is still a constitutionalist and he is still a man who deeply loves this country," she continued. "He fears the rise of illiberalism, wherever it comes from. And right now, that is Donald Trump. Joe and I agree with@michelleobamawhen they go low, we must strive to go high. Remember@repcummingsCummings famous words, 'we are better than this'!#Morningjoe"

On Twitter,she said, "I understand the chanting at the game - But, I worry it is dangerous when it happens - On both sides. Its been a consistent concern on my part. Thank (you) for (your) opinions!!"

Scarborough called out what he viewed as hypocrisy.

"So lets see if Ive got this straight: When crowds chant 'Lock her up'toward Hillary, it is illiberal and anti-American. (I agree)," he tweeted."But when crowds chant the same toward Trump, it is suddenly a fulsome exercise of sacred First Amendment rights. What hypocritical clowns."

"If you think that democracy is strengthened by calling for the arrest of political opponents, youre as ignorant and illiberal as Trump himself," he said in another tweet. "Delete your account and read some civics. Stop embarrassing yourself."

"Republicans, look at the response to a very traditional view that in America, we do not call for the arrest of political opponents," he continued. "And then understand that you reap what you sow."

Addressing the chants on the show Monday,Scarborough called the behavior"just un-American. It started with Donald Trump.In fact, he's made it a centerpiece of his campaign rallies."

"We find it sickening when it happens at his rallies," said Brzezinski.

President Donald Trump greeted with boosat Game 5 of World Series, fans chant 'lock him up'

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"Of course, it's sickening,"Scarborough concurred."We are Americans, and we do not do that. We do not want the world hearing us chant,'Lock him up,' to this president or to any president."

"Let's hope, as we move forward, maybe this is one less fascist tactic he and his supporters use during chants that you are going to actually imprison your political opponent," he added. "So, let's leave that behind."

"Let's hope he gets it,"Brzezinski said.

The segment inspired trending topics on Twitter Monday morning, including "Mika," "Morning Joe" and "Sorry Joe."

Some on the social media site felt the game attendees' actions were more than acceptable.

"Get over yourself," wrote one user. "The country can speak as they wish, its the best thing about our country."

"Sorry Joe, the world wants to hear us saying that," posted another. "And they are right. True Americans have stand up to what is happening and to what this man is doing to this country."

"This was democracy shining," a commenter tweeted.

Contributing: Scott Boeck

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