Who Else Was in the Room? – Slate Magazine

Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump attend the inauguration ceremeony for the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Vancouver, British Columbia, on Feb. 28.

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Two weeks after Donald J. Trump clinched the Republican presidential nomination last year, his eldest son arranged a meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan with a Russian lawyer who has connections to the Kremlin, according to confidential government records. Donald Jr. described the meeting as primarily about an adoption program. New York Times, July 8, 2017

Donald Trump Jr. posted his full exchange with a publicist for a Russian pop musician to Twitteron Tuesday, and the emails confirm previous reports that Trump Jr. was offered compromising information about Hillary Clinton specifically from the Russian government. The emails also say flatly that the Kremlin was working to help elect his father. Washington Post, July 11, 2017

The Russian American lobbyist who attended a meeting at Trump Tower last year is a former military officer long shadowed by allegations of connections to Russian intelligence. Associated Press, July 14, 2017

The June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort included at least eight people. CNN, July 14, 2017

An audio recording of the meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Kremlin-connected lawyer may provide a clue as to the identity of the eighth attendee. In the brief recording, a knock can be heard on the door before a man says, Hi, its me, Paul Ryan. Just wanted to poke my head in and say Im cool with Putin paying Trump so long as I get to be the big tax-cutting boy. I also want to mention that I am not pausing for laughter here because this is not a joke. All right, have a nice day.Our team of audio experts is analyzing the tape in an effort to identify the man. CNN,July 16, 2017

The Times has obtained more than 200 emails sent by Eric Trump to various members of the Trump campaign. The messages were sent on June 9, 2016, and each carries an identical subject line: Hows the haking going? New York Times,July 17, 2017

In a stunning move, Eric Trump has posted 500 additional emails to Twitter after the Times reached out to him for comment. Each email contains the same body text: can i come to dons next thing? i like too hak to. New York Times,July 18, 2017

Colluding with a foreign power is the most American thing you can do, and the fake news media continues to ignore the fact that the great men who built this countrythe Founding Fathersdid so through collusion. Makes me sick. Sean Hannity on Hannity,July 19, 2017

Sources with knowledge of the meeting at Trump Tower have revealed that there was a ninth attendee, and they described this person's behavior as peculiar. Midway through discussions, the unnamed woman is said to have lifted up her entire torso from a seam at her waist to reveal another, smaller woman residing inside. This interior woman repeated the act to uncover yet another woman, and this continued until a final woman, roughly the size of a bowling pin, teetered and fell on the table in front of Donald Trump Jr., who exclaimed, I love it. The nationality of these women is unknown. USA Today,July 20, 2017

President Donald Trump announced today that he is intent on maintaining a smooth election process during the upcoming midterms, which is why the White House will be prioritizing a program that facilitates the adoption of Russian children. Washington Post,June 9, 2018

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Who Else Was in the Room? - Slate Magazine

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