Erdogan, Angela, & Chuck Can Trump Save Europe? – PJ Media

Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in his unrelentingquest to bepermanentdictator of his country and who knows where else, is accusing Dutch officialsof Nazism for denying his proxies the ability to campaign for him among Holland's sizable Turkish populationAlmost simultaneously,a group of Senate Democrats isproffering legislation to overturnPresident Trump's temporary travel ban on six Muslim majority countries.

Thesetwo events seem unrelated --NATO member Turkeyis not one of the six -- butin actuality they are tied closely together because they highlight a growing dilemmathat is approaching catastrophe. Trump's travel ban may be of some use, even necessary, in the short run, but it is only a temporarybandaid for what confronts us.

The president'sintention is to stop the flow from these terror-ridden locales until we, in his parlance, "figure things out," while giving himself a scant 90 days to accomplish this.How do we vet, "extremely" or otherwise, cultures that are so dissimilar to ours in such a time frame? How do we determine whether potential immigrantswill participate willingly in America's pluralisticdemocracy instead of adheringto Sharia law inculcated in them from birth that is antithetical to our way of life? How do we know if they are telling the truthwhen their religion countenances, even encourages, misleadingunbelievers for the advancement of theirfaith?

Non-Arab Turkey was thought to be the most assimilableof Islamic societies, but what is transpiring now in Europe -- Erdogan corralling eagerpro-Islamist voters all over the Continent -- shows how limited that view is. These people had something rather else in mind than liberal democracywhen they headed to Paris, Amsterdam, and Berlin in search of work.

Europe itself offers no hint of how this vetting can succeed, although it does offer a preview of what occurs when it is not in place. Anyone visiting the "old country"today is traveling toa different continent from twenty, even ten, years ago, with no-go zones surrounding almost every capital.

Meanwhile, the UN is reporting 20 million people on the brink of starvation in Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and northeast Nigeria. Even if the UN is exaggerating by half, that's a frightening World War II-sized number. What do these four locationshave in common? Any good "phobic" knows the answer. Three of the countriesare also on the temporary ban list. Yemen by itself is caught in a murderous eighth century Islamic crossfire between Shia Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia, with al-Qaedawaging its own war in the margins. The outflow of this disaster is now the next global horror.

TheSenate Democrats (led by the predicable Schumer and Feinstein) for their part are doing the usual virtue-signaling cum Trump-bashing withtheir attempt to stop the ban, which seems largely symbolic at this point. But a true moral rot and pervasive dishonestylurks just below the surface of their contempt for the president. They offer nothing in return fortheir criticism of Trump and never have. They have no ideahow to deal with the problemand aren't even talking about it, other than to again virtue-signal by saying we should open the door to yet more of these refugees -- this although it was reportedonly last weekthat 300,roughly one-third of all domestic terror casescurrently under investigation by the FBI, are indeed from those admitted to the U. S. as refugees.

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Erdogan, Angela, & Chuck Can Trump Save Europe? - PJ Media

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