Erdogan on eve of July 15 coup attempt: Plotters will ‘pay a heavy price’ – New Straits Times Online

ANKARA: Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has issued a resounding warning to those seeking to create strife or threaten democracy in the country by saying that those caught will "pay a heavy price."

Erdogan also stressed that the state of emergency established nationwide since the attempted coup on July 15 last year, will remain in place until all threats have been nullified.

Addressing his supporters at an event to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the bloody attempted coup, here yesterday, Erdogan promised that there will be no let up against those seeking to sow discord in Turkey.

"We will make sure they pay a heavy price so that they will no longer threaten the peace and sovereignty in Turkey.

"The state of emergency will only be rescinded when we have achieved our objective in battling terror," he said.

The Turkish president also questioned the motive of several western nations in raising the subject of 'human rights' on behalf of the coup plotters, who are currently facing prosecution in the courts.

The Turkish government has identified the Fetullah Gulen Terrorist Organisation (FETO) as the architects of the coup attempt. FETO, said the government, had comprised members from various backgrounds, including military personnel, businessmen and even members of the judiciary.

"They (the countries) question about preserving the rights of these coup plotters but yet, share no empathy towards Turks who died or have lost loved ones in defending the country from those seeking to take it by force."

Turkey, he said, always prioritizes human rights and the principles of democracy, the latter of which was most evident when millions of Turks took to the streets on the night of July 15 to combat the coup plotters. Some 250 Turkish people lost their lives in combating the armed coup plotters.

Meanwhile, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus took aim at FETO, which he said has spread its roots abroad by hiding behind the guise of being a charity organisation.

FETO, he said, spread their influence by opening schools in various countries, and educating children of future leaders.

Kurtulmus said he would not name the countries, but expressed concern over FETO's tactics.

"Our concern is that they won't try to seize Turkey by force, like what they did on July 15, 2016 but instead, try to influence policy makers to further their interests."

Kurtulmus as such cautioned other nations not to regard lightly l the threat posed by FETO, and stressed that Turkey is ready to extend any assistance to ensure the organisation is brought down.

Erdogan on eve of July 15 coup attempt: Plotters will 'pay a heavy price' - New Straits Times Online

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