Erdogan Seeks Powers to Stay in Office Until 2029: Expect …

Recep Tayyip Erdogans carefully planned move to become legal dictator of Turkey is in its final stages. In the wake of a foiled coup, Erdogan removed or imprisoned every judge not on his side, shut down all opposition newspapers, and jailed all of his political opponents.

After his hand-picked court approved the changes Erdogan wanted, all that remains is a Public Referendum which Erdogan will win simply because he gets to count the votes.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has begun a final push to increase his power as Turkeys president a goal he has sought for years after the countrys parliament agreed far-reaching constitutional changes that will now be put to referendum.

The proposed changes, which were shepherded through parliament on Friday night in alliance between Turkeys ruling AKP and a nationalist party, would crown Mr Erdogans 14-year rule by boosting his formal role as president and allowing him to remain in post until 2029.

In a sign of the tension that may mark the referendum, fist fights broke out in parliament over several days, while a television blackout of the opposition speeches forced one opposing MP to bring his own cameras into parliament, only to have his microphone stolen.

Since the failed coup and the introduction of emergency powers, he has ruled the country by decree and 100,000 people accused of backing the coup have been imprisoned.

It is unclear if the president will lift the state of emergency before the poll, scheduled for an unspecified date after April 2, but some of the permanent powers he seek resemble the emergency powers he currently holds.

Expect a Permanent Emergency

Expect a permanent emergency with increasing power every step of the way to Erdogan. This is likely to continue until he is overthrown in a coup, assassinated, or until Turkey disintegrates into hyperinflation.

Turkish Lira Down 62 Percent Since September 2010

Thats not close to hyperinflation material, but hyperinflation is an increasing possibility when madmen dictators are in charge.

Meanwhile, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in bed with Erdogan who wants visa-free access to the EU for 80 million Muslim Turks.

Are German election threats and fireworks due to Erdogan coming up?

Mike Mish Shedlock

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