Erdogan: Turkey’s Operation In Idlib Largely Finished, Afrin …


FILE IMAGE: AFP Photo/Nazeer al-Khatib

The Turkish military operation in Syrias Idlib province is almost finished, Turkish PresidentRecep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday.

The operation in Idlib was largely completed, Erdogan toldhis ruling Justice and Development (AK) Partys parliamentary group.

The president added thatthe Afrin issue is ahead of us.

We can come suddenly at night. We can suddenly hit at night, Erdogan said.

The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) entered the province of Idlib within the framework of agreements reached at peace talks in Astana, Kazakhstan.

The TAF was set to monitor a cease-fire and to establsih observation posts along the line between the Syrian areas of Idlib and Afrin.

Turksih forces were deployed south of an area of Afrin controlled by the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its military formations known as YPG and YPJ. The US-led coalitiondescribes the Kurdish forces and few Arab units joined them as the Syrian Democratic Forces.

In turn, Ankara says that the PYD/YPG/YPJ are a branch of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) that is a designated terrorist gorup in many countries including Turkey, the US and EU member states.


The rest is here:
Erdogan: Turkey's Operation In Idlib Largely Finished, Afrin ...

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