How Erdogan’s Identity Project is Shaping Turkey’s Schools – World Politics Review

Author Yiannis Baboulias Laurence Blair Michael A. Cohen Patrick Corcoran Robbie Corey-Boulet Iyad Dakka Frederick Deknatel Jon Emont Frida Ghitis Benot Gomis Richard Gowan Judah Grunstein Nikolas Gvosdev Kyle Haddad-Fonda James Hamill Julian Hattem Paul Imison Joshua Kurlantzick Ellen Laipson Christopher Looft Robert Looney Theresa Lou Andrew MacDowall Matthias Matthijs Steven Metz Casey Michel J. Berkshire Miller Zach Montague Prashanth Parameswaran Karina Piser Christopher Sabatini Andrew Small Alex Thurston Christine Wade Simon A. Waldman Laura Weiss Jeremy Youde Region Africa Central Africa East Africa North Africa Southern Africa West Africa Asia-Pacific Afghanistan Australia Central Asia China East Asia India Japan North Korea Southeast Asia South Asia Europe Caucasus Central & Eastern Europe Western Europe Russia Global Polar Regions United Nations The Americas Brazil Caribbean Central America Mexico North America South America United States Middle East & North Africa Gulf States Iran Iraq North Africa Syria Turkey Issue NATO Enters the Trump Era One Belt, One Road Education Trend Lines Podcast A Look at Climate Policy Beyond the U.S. Defense and Security Cyber Crime Insurgencies Intelligence Military Terrorism War and Conflict WMD Diplomacy and Politics Aid and Development Domestic Politics Environment Human Rights Human Security International Law Maritime Issues Radical Movements U.S. Foreign Policy Economics and Business Energy Resources Infrastructure Nuclear Energy Technology Trade

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How Erdogan's Identity Project is Shaping Turkey's Schools - World Politics Review

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