Schuble: Germany won’t be ‘blackmailed’ by Erdoan –


Sounds like the ground being prepared for an end to the refugee policy agreed with Turkey brace yourselves, again

Posted on 7/24/17 | 2:28 PM CEST

Dictators must get a response and it must be fast and swift. The longer you appease dictators the harder it get to control. lets give Erdogan a response that he get the message or we will be here in a year looking back and saying why Germany didnt respond to the early small provocations Lets make sure we have plan B with the German navy at the border so the Turks cannot push refugees on EU

Posted on 7/24/17 | 3:07 PM CEST

The issue here is that Germany has a very recent habit of being the ones forcing other countries to do what Germany wants (I would use the word dictates but it is really more strong influence). While the Turkish President is in the wrong, I also feel that the German approach over the last few years hasnt helped the international relations. It will be interesting to see the end game from both sides, and how that will have a domino effect on other areas. I think it is a case that the blame game has started for bad decisions made in Germany over the past few years, and the likely consequences of the future breakdown of relationships. Perhaps all politicians should remember that todays soundbite has a habit of turning into tomorrows wound.

Posted on 7/24/17 | 5:54 PM CEST

Nothing here that a hundred thousand revoked German green cards could not fix.

Posted on 7/24/17 | 6:45 PM CEST

Why does the EU have so many enemies all of a sudden?

Posted on 7/24/17 | 9:57 PM CEST


Because it is perceived as weak and ineffective.. and the sharks smell blood

Posted on 7/25/17 | 7:28 AM CEST

The Germans (Schauble) when they want to get a country IN the EU:

We want to have good relations with this big and important countryTurkey

But if you want to LEAVE the EU:

You are insignificant small country and will never last without us!!

OH DEAR!! its so see-through, one wonders if they really think people have no memories! SOmetimes they say opposing things to different countries on the same day and believe nobody will notice their duplicity!!!

Posted on 7/25/17 | 12:21 PM CEST

Berlin has already been blackmailed by Erdogan: that entire refugee deal was a piece of blackmail that Merkel cooked up unilaterally to save her political career other EU members, although they would have to pay a share of the 6bn euro deal, were not asked as the deal was being crafted, only after it was done.

No analyst worthy of the name would do anything but jeer at Schaubles assertion. Merkels blunder put Erdogans fingers around her and the EUs throat. If he lets those gates open before the election in September, Merkels career will never recover, and as the migrants flow to Europes shores on two fronts, the reopened Aegean/Balkan and the Mediterranean, watch the AfD and the FN and the Sweden Democrats suddenly begin to gain in the polls.

So, yes, Germany is being blackmailed and Merkel will do almost anything Turkey wants to keep those migrants in Turkey.

Posted on 7/25/17 | 11:03 PM CEST

Here is the original post:
Schuble: Germany won't be 'blackmailed' by Erdoan -

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