Turkish President Erdogan Resumes Incitement … – algemeiner.com

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has talked of the Judaization of Jerusalem. Photo: File.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoganstoked the flames of Palestinian violence on Sunday morning, as he warned that Israel could not expect the Islamic world to remain unresponsive after the humiliation Muslims suffered with the restrictions at the Noble Sanctuary a reference to the new security measures instituted by the Israelis at Jerusalems Temple Mount thathave been presented across the Muslim World as further evidence of a Zionist plot to take full control of the ancient holy site.

Erdogan made the comments as he departed for an official visit to the Arab Gulf states, where he is attempting to mediate the festering political crisis that has pitted a Saudi-led coalition against the pro-Iranian emirate of Qatar. The Turkish leader also accused Israel of violating fundamental human values, the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported.

Erdogan who assumed near-dictatorial powers following an April referendum in Turkey has jailed more than 50,000 people without charge in the wake of last years failed coup against his continued rule.A consistently bellicose supporter of the Palestinians, Erdogan has frequently made antisemitic remarks, along with veiled threats to the Turkish Jewish community.

July 24, 2017 10:33 am

As The Algemeiner reported on Friday, a fascist party aligned with Erdogans own AKP Party instigated a violent protest outside Istanbuls Neve Shalom synagogue, forcing its unprecedented closure for shabbat services this week.

Turkey is increasingly regarded by supporters of the Palestinians as their most important source of solidarity at state-level. At a protest outside the Israeli embassy in London on Saturday, during which Muslim activists burned and stomped upon Israeli flags, Turkish flags were as much in evidence as Palestinian ones.

Muslim protesters in London wave Turkish and Palestinian flags at a July 22 protest. Photo: Screenshot.

Israels control of security at the entrances to the Temple Mount sitehas been a constant theme of Erdogans incitement against the Jewish state. In May, he declared that Turkey had a historical responsibility towards Jerusalem, given the Ottoman Empires control of the city for 4 centuries. The Muslim world had to embark on unifying efforts to protect Jerusalem against attempts of Judaization, Erdogan asserted.

Each day that Jerusalem is under occupation is an insult to us, Erdogan told a conference of Islamist clerics, going on to slam Israel as racist and discriminatory.

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Turkish President Erdogan Resumes Incitement ... - algemeiner.com

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