Video May Show The Order That Sent Erdogan’s Guards To Beat …

A video of last weeks vicious attack on American protesters in Washington, D.C., may show the moment an order was given to set Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogans beefy security gang upon the demonstrators.

Its not clear who gave the order last Tuesday to attack protesters across the street from the Turkish ambassadors house. But in a video taken by Voice of America, a U.S. government-funded news source, someone can be heard saying what sounds like Come, come, come! and He says attackin Turkish, three university language experts told U.S. News & World Report on Saturday.

During the assaults, at least 20 men in suits raced to the protesters and repeatedly kicked and slugged them in a brutal attack. Washington police were outnumbered and overwhelmed as they tried to protect the demonstrators, at least nine of whom were eventually sent to the hospital.

Another VOA video shows Erdogan, shortly after meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump that morning, sitting in a limo across the street, in front of the Turkish ambassadors house, during the protest. The video analyzed in freeze framesby The Washington Post shows an aide talking to Erdogan through a window. The aide then speaks to another man, who in turn heads quickly toward the protest. The gang of security men descend upon the demonstrators within seconds. A third man standing near Erdogans limo is seen in the video attacking protesters.

The video appears to show the attacks were unprovoked.

The U.S. State Department has expressed its dismayto the Turkish government about the violence. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was blunter, saying the Turkish ambassador should get the hell out of the U.S.

We should throw their ambassador the hell out of the United States of America, McCain said last week on MSNBCs Morning Joe. This isnt Turkey. This isnt a third-world country.

The violence should have repercussions, including identifying these people and bringing charges against them, McCain said. They violated American laws.

McCain and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) sent a joint letter to Erdogan denouncing his staffs blatant violation of American rights.

The violent response of your security detail to peaceful protestors is wholly unacceptable and, unfortunately, reflective of your governments treatment of the press, ethnic minority groups and political opponents, the senators statement said.

The Turkish Embassy blamed the violence on the demonstrators, claiming they were aggressively provoking Turkish-American citizens who had peacefully assembled to greet Erdogan and that the security detail was protecting them.The video does not support that account.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told Fox News Sunday that the Trump administration wont take any further action until after an investigation.

You dont need further information, McCain said later on the same program. Just look at the clip.

The president has a major business interest in Turkey Trump Towers Istanbul.

I have a little conflict of interest cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul, Trump said in a 2015 interview on a Breitbart radio program. Its tremendously successful. Its called Trump Towers two towers, instead of one.

In the VOA footage, the words gel, gel, gel come, come, come can be heard, followed by daln diyor he says attack, according to the translators.

Local police and the Secret Service are also investigating. Very few arrests were made because the police had their hands full protecting protesters. Its also not clear how many of the attackers may have had diplomatic immunity.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren(D-Calif.) last week called for the arrest and prosecution of the thugs in Erdogans security detail.

If Erdogans bodyguards who participated in this attack have entered the country on diplomatic visas, those visas should be revoked right away,she said. The United States needs to send a strong message that we will not stand by as Erdogan brings thuggish tactics to our nations capital.

Erdogan was elected head of the ruling AK Party on Sunday. Observers expect this will enable him to even further solidify his power in his country.

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Video May Show The Order That Sent Erdogan's Guards To Beat ...

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