A letter writer bemoans the state’s hiring of Eric Holder – East Bay Times

Should be working to improve our state, not tearing it apart

There were more than3million people in California who voted for Donald Trump, but you would not know it by listening to our politicians or media.

We are one nation and we need to work together to improve our nation, not break it apart. Since when do we need former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to battle for our state? Our Legislature is wasting our tax dollars. They should be working with our new president to bring our country together, not drive it further apart.

John PickrellConcord

There have been a number of letter writers saying that its time to stop protesting President Donald Trump, pointing out they didnt do that to Barack Obama in 2009.

Trump denied Obama was a citizen, catering to the far-right extremists. The emails of a racist nature flew fast and furious during Obamas tenure but its true there were no outright protests as I recall. And why would there be? Obama didnt deny science, call Mexicans criminals, promise to gut the Affordale Care Act, or turn Medicare into a voucher system as well as our schools.

Just look at Trumps Cabinet for a clue. Many of them are under investigation for illegal behavior and others dont even understand the agency they are to head. This is another false equivalency.

Anne Spanier Alameda

I was a bit amused at a recent letter in which the writerquoted atheist Richard Dawkins in his response to silly beliefs of Christians.

Hows this for silly? In the beginning was nothing and nothing happened to nothing. Then all of a sudden a whole lot of something happened and nothing exploded for no apparent reason creating everything which became self replicating bits and eventually after a whole lot of time became planets, stars and dinosaurs.

Oh, those silly atheists and their beliefs.

Chris Murrell Walnut Creek

Barry Bonds record of 762 home runs stands and there is no way of knowing if the numbers would have been less had he not taken steroids.

Similarly, Donald Trump won the Electoral College with 306 votes and is the president. As with Bonds, it is impossible to prove that his victory would not have occurred without illegal assistance.

If Russias efforts caused the vote to swing by only one half of 1percent in some battleground states, that would represent the winning margin. It is not unreasonable to believe that their activities resulted in at least a .005 difference in the vote in those key states and very believable that the impact was much more.

If so, without Russian interference on behalf of Trump, Hillary Clinton would have won. However, that can never be proved conclusively.

Perhaps the best way to view Trumps presidency is that, while technically legal, it is not necessarily legitimate. And it certainly does not represent a mandate. His supporters should be ashamed, or at least, humbled and the rest of us should remind them, respectfully, at least at first, as to why they should be.

Ray Cole Brentwood

It was breathtaking to read that five elementary schools in the Oakland Diocese will be closing in June. The other side of the coin is that many dedicated, experienced teachers will be losing their jobs.

It would behoove the neighboring cities to look into hiring these excellent teachers for the fall. Most of them live locally.

Mary McMahon Livermore

Read more from the original source:
A letter writer bemoans the state's hiring of Eric Holder - East Bay Times

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