Accusations prove just how much division there is – Dothan Eagle

If you are wondering why several politicians, many media outlets and most things Hollywood are no longer trusted, the answer is overwhelming bias.

By the way, has anyone heard from actress Alyssa Milano? She insisted we take Justice Brett Kavanaughs accuser at her word although the first we heard of it was after he was nominated by President Trump for a Supreme Court post. I expect her to do the same for Joe Bidens accuser, especially since there were accusations made long ago. Also, its not like Biden doesnt have a history of inappropriate contacts, in public, on camera and/or video, with women... and young girls.

Defense of Biden from Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi only hurt his credibility. Hillary has a history of lying she is, after all, a Clinton and Pelosi repeatedly flies over the Cuckoos Nest. Former Attorney General Eric Holder just supported Biden. Thats akin to a tree falling in the woods. Did he just make noise, because I didnt hear him? All he did was run his mouth carelessly as an AG, so why would anyone want him as character reference now?

Where are the MeToo activists when all of a sudden a liberal is accused?

Kavanaughs accuser even had friends deny any recollection of her alleged assault. Bidens accusers mother spoke of her daughters alleged assault on Larry King Live back in 1993. The actual accuser of Biden is his eighth regarding complaints of inappropriate touching. Expect that number to grow. In fact, bet on it. It is political season, after all. Also, expect someone to come out of the proverbial clear blue sky to accuse Trump... again. There will be some ugly days between now at Nov. 3.

Trump was ridiculed, rightfully so, for his recorded comments regarding a woman.

Perhaps the same people who tired of weapons of mass destruction accusations, a president having sex with an intern, biased beer gardens at the White House, and too much Tweeting, will finally say enough is enough. But, will it matter?

This is why the country has dumbed-up significantly since the eighties. People can and have gotten away with almost anything with their party as long as they support their party. No one trust the other side and the division between the left and right is sort of like Rosario, Argentina to Xinghua, China, the farthest separation of towns on earth at 12,425 miles.

It used to be called mud-slinging. Im afraid theyre slinging something far worse than mud these days.

We can hope this pandemic were all enduring can straighten out the countrys collective thought process, but the gap appears to only be getting wider and wider.

We dont need Joe Biden in the White House, thats a certainty. There are too many times Im not sure he could tell you or me the difference between Area 51 and the Oval Office. Nevertheless, we need our incumbent to act a bit more professional. He does a great job in many areas, only to spoon feed detractors with his constant badgering of anyone that doesnt kiss his feet.

May 6-12 is National Nurses Week. Lets at least put aside our differences and collectively appreciate those who work without praise yet play such a pivotal role in the lives of so many ... each day ... every day .... all day.

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Accusations prove just how much division there is - Dothan Eagle

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