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Anytime Attorney General Eric Holder or the President is criticized, Holder loves toplay the race card. In fact, he recently implied that anybody who opposes Obamas Year of Action is a racist.

Related: Who is Attorney General Eric Holder?

Now hes playing the race card again. In a recent speech he said, Theres a certain level of vehemence, it seems to me, thats directed at me (and) directed at the president. You know, people talking about taking their country back. Theres a certain racial component to this for some people. I dont think this is the thing that is a main driver, but for some theres a racial animus.

Radio talk-show host Larry Elder (who happens to be black) points out thattheres nothing racist at allabout wanting to take the country back. In fact, it seems to be a favorite call to action among Democrats

Wow, look at all that racism! Theres so much, one wonders when Holder will start accusing his own party of racism against himself and President Obama.

Conservatives are up in arms over the Justice Departments refusal to name a special prosecutor in the IRS scandal.

And thats basically how the media covered it, as an Eric Holder vs. Ted Cruz argument.

But theres some important history here that helps explain why the Obama administration is, in effect, able to investigate itself. And its a debate that goes to the heart of public confidence in government. (more)

Source: Fox News

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