Eric Holder blasts Senate Republican healthcare bill – Washington Examiner

Former Attorney General Eric Holder is the latest former Obama administration official to turn to social media to oppose the Senate Republican healthcare bill.

"McConnell/@realDonaldTrump: who do you stand with on health care?," Holder tweeted Monday night. "The average guy or the wealthy? You're taking care away from millions-why?

Former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic nominee for president and former secretary of state, have already posted their own statements opposing the healthcare bill, which would repeal and replace parts of Obamacare.

The Senate healthcare bill would insure 22 million fewer people than Obamacare at the end of a decade and would reduce the deficit by $321 billion, according to an analysis published Monday by the Congressional Budget Office.

After the release of the CBO score, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said lawmakers would "soon take action" on the legislation.

So far, at least five senators want changes in exchange for their support.

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Eric Holder blasts Senate Republican healthcare bill - Washington Examiner

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