Eric Holder: We, as a Nation, Have Failed to Deal with Race, Police Distrust

Attorney General Eric Holder spoke out on the current wave of police protests in a new interview this week with New York Magazine, conducted by MSNBC host Joy Reid. And right off the bat, Holder said he doesnt believe young minorities have anything to fear from the police.

That being said, there is a lot of distrust and people demonizing each other, Holder said. And he doesnt feel that at this point were at a stage yet where I can honestly say that if youre a person of color, you should not be concerned about any interaction that you have with the police.

When asked about the progress Americas made on race and dealing with that mistrust, Holder simply said, We, as a nation, have failed.

He deferred a bit on the statistics of police confrontations with minorities and touted DOJ work during his tenure as taking on some very important race issues, in spite of what liberal critics might say. Meanwhile, on the other side, Holder didnt bite when asked if conservative criticism of him and Obama is because of race.

You can read the full interview here.

[image via screengrab]

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Eric Holder: We, as a Nation, Have Failed to Deal with Race, Police Distrust

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