HART: Holder, The Great Divider, exits stage far left

Eric Holder has resigned, ending the reign of the most racially divisive and political attorney general in modern history.

Now he can do ceremonial things like attend baseball games. The Washington Nationals might ask him to attend the first game of the year; he can go to the pitchers mound and throw out the Second Amendment.

Like Obama, Holder came into office with a racial score to settle, even though they were both products of affirmative action. They see race in everything. One cannot sort laundry nor have ones teeth whitened without the two calling it racist.

The administration inexplicably jumped into the Cambridge police case regarding Professor Gates (saying the cops acted stupidly when it turns out they did not), the Trayvon Martin shooting and, most recently, engaged in a one-sided intervention on behalf of Michael Brown in the Ferguson, Mo., manufactured drama. Instead of giving the benefit of the doubt to law enforcement, which works for him, Holder immediately sided with Michael Brown and Al Sharpton before the case was even investigated. And Obama awkwardly pointed the finger at the Ferguson police in his latest UN speech.

Racial wounds were healing until this administration started cutting them open again. The result is a much more racially divided country than it was when Obama took office in 2008.

Holder used the Espionage Act to spy on reporters he viewed as opponents of Obama. James Rosen of Fox News was the main target on whom he had his Justice Department spy and wiretap. (Fox News what are the odds?) His snooping produced nothing but a salvo of chilling intimidation throughout journalism.

And just to let bureaucrats know he had their backs if they did the Presidents bidding, he looked the other way as the IRS targeted conservative groups and destroyed e-mail evidence.

Like a plaintiffs attorney who advertises on a bus, Holder went after business for money when he could. He bragged in 2012 about punishing American businesses with huge fines, which just ends up costing us consumers. Holders DOJ knows it can get away with such predatory political legal actions because companies have to pay and America wont pay attention. Americans spend more time nuancing intentional grounding rulings in football than in watching court cases.

Under Holder, you must have an ID to get into the Justice Department building in D.C., but you dont need one to vote. And guns are only to protect public officials and celebrities, not your home.

He has hurt blacks more than he has helped them. At the behest of his Democrat buddies in the teachers unions, he sued a Louisiana school voucher program. He opposes charter schools, which help disadvantaged minorities to escape failing schools and advance themselves. Politics always trump principles and the law with these two.

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HART: Holder, The Great Divider, exits stage far left

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