Holder Admits He Regrets Labeling Foxs Rosen a Co-Conspirator

Before Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart ended his interview with Attorney General Eric Holder at the Washington Ideas Forum Wednesday, he asked one final question: Whats the one decision you made that you wish you could do over again?

Without much hesitation, Holder brought up the Justice Department subpoena of Fox News reporter James Rosen, who had his communications tracked in 2009 after he was suspected of receiving secret information from government sources on North Korea. In a subpoena to Google to obtain Rosens emails, the government labeled him as an aider and abettor and/or co-conspirator.

Holder said he could have been more careful in the language that was used in the court filing, especially regarding the word co-conspirator. While he said the department had to do that as a result of the statute, he added that there are ways in which I think that could have been done differently, done better.

The attorney general indicated that he felt the criticism he received for those actions was fair and said that it sparked a review of the way the Justice Department interacts with the media.

Rosen has not yet responded to Holders comments directly, but he did retweet several mentions of them on his Twitter account Wednesday:

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Holder Admits He Regrets Labeling Foxs Rosen a Co-Conspirator

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