Holder Says Now Is The Time For Change Between Police & Citizens

MEMPHIS, TN (localmemphis.com)U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said there is now an opportunity for great changes in relationships between the police and the people.

The key is not to blow that chance.

The Attorney General was in Memphis Tuesday meeting with community leaders and speaking at an event in Midtown.

He said it is time to change police policies and procedures. It is time for the police and the folks on the street to give a little mutual respect.

"Make no mistake out of the tragedies of the past months and weeks comes an opportunity for this great nation that we must not, as we have too often done in the past, squander," Holder said.

Holder was talking about events in New York, Cleveland, and especially Ferguson.

Police acted, people died, and other folks are now reacting.

It is time for change, Holder said.

He has just instituted tougher restrictions on racial profiling that all federal law enforcement agencies must follow.

"It's imperative we take every possible action to ensure strong and sound policing practices. We must instill the absolute highest standards of professionalism as well as integrity," Holder said.

The rest is here:
Holder Says Now Is The Time For Change Between Police & Citizens

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