Keyword: ericholder

Keyword: ericholder Curbing Big Brothers Unchecked Surveillance State

NEW CASTLE, Ind. Should teachers be allowed to use students as props for their personal political causes? It happens all the time in school districts around the nation, particularly at the secondary level. Local teacher unions will protest the lack of a new collective bargaining agreement with a school board, and the next thing you know, high school and middle school kids are walking out of class in support of the teachers. Who do you suppose gets the students all riled up? But now some teachers are apparently willing to involve elementary-aged children in their labor wars. Or at...

Last month, Senator Dianne Feinstein and other Democrats on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released the executive summary of their final report investigating the CIA's controversial detention and interrogation program. As part of their study, the Democrats compiled twenty case studies, which were intended to address claims made by the CIA regarding the efficacy of its interrogations. One of those case studies focused on the identification and arrest of Ali Saleh Kahlah al Marri, who was freed from a US prison just days ago. Al Marri served as a "sleeper" operative for al Qaeda inside the US in 2001....

The times they are a-changin'. This week, a Republican congressman from Orange County, California, joined Oakland medical marijuana dispenser Steve DeAngelo to urge President Barack Obama, a Democrat who started out as a critic of the war on drugs, to curb his Department of Justice. They want Obama to make his prosecutors stop trying to shut down honest marijuana establishments in states that have legalized medical marijuana. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher and the left-leaning DeAngelo have found common cause in calling out one area in which the federal government can and should do less. They've got the law on their side....

Attorney General Eric Holder called out Fox News yesterday for fixating on the Obamas administratons terminology for ISIS. If Fox didnt talk about this, they would have nothing else to talk about, it seems to me, said at the National Press Club. (snip) They want to kill us and yet the Attorney General, chief law enforcement officer for the United States of America, is bugged by the fact that Fox brings up the accurate point they are Islamic extremists, lets call it Islamic extremism, Steve Doocy said. Obviously this administration talks tougher about Fox News than they do about ISIS,...

In weighing whether to bring discrimination charges against the Ferguson Police Department, the Justice Department has been seriously examining allegations that the citys enforcement of minor offenses discriminated against minorities and often led to jail times and fines that lined the citys coffers, a law enforcement official confirmed to POLITICO. Department lawyers handling the investigation have repeatedly met with lawyers for a St. Louis non-profit that filed a federal lawsuit last week alleging that the city of Ferguson and its neighbor, Jennings, were running what amounted to modern-day debtors prisons, people familiar with the meetings said. The organization, Arch City...

ACTION: Contact your Senators and urge them to cosponsor S. 477, the Firearms Manufacturers and Dealers Protection Act of 2015. Operation Choke Point a Threat to the Second Amendment About a year ago, the Second Amendment community was rocked by news that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) had teamed up with Attorney General Eric Holder to utterly destroy firearms manufacturers and dealers by cutting off all credit and banking relationships with them.For its part, the FDIC categorized gun and ammunition sales as a "high-risk business," lumping it in with drug dealers, pornographers, and Ponzi scheme operators -- all of...

About a year ago, the Second Amendment community was rocked by news that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) had teamed up with Attorney General Eric Holder to utterly destroy firearms manufacturers and dealers by cutting off all credit and banking relationships with them. For its part, the FDIC categorized gun and ammunition sales as a "high-risk business," lumping it in with drug dealers, pornographers, and Ponzi scheme operators -- all of which it was working to completely destroy. Holder, in turn, would provide the "muscle" -- using a program called Operation Choke Point to make sure banks "got the...

My nomination for Libtard Newser softball question of the year

She said, Children were slaughtered in their classrooms [at Sandy Hook Elementary] and we have not made any meaningful progress on changing the access to guns in this country. Are we a nation of cowards when it comes to guns? Holder responded: Well, Ill say this, [walking through the school] was the worst day I had as Attorney General. It is, I think the single failure that I point to in my time as Attorney General, that I was not able to convince Congress to really follow the will of the American people which was to enact meaningful, reasonable,...

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Keyword: ericholder

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