Letter to the Editor – Maple Lake Messenger

It seems Nancy Pelosi never knew or just forgot that in this country Trump is innocent till proven guilty,and not as she said this trial will give Trump a chance to prove he is innocent . When she says no one is above the law she means except Democrats. They use this phrase when talking about Trump, but not when talking about Bill Clinton when he committed perjury under oath. Democrats said it was the puritanical conservatives over a trumped up charge of sex. Nothing happened. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Hillary Clinton used an illegal private server and destroyed 33,000 emails. Nothing happened. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Jim Clapper lied to congress about spying on the American people. Nothing happened.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. John Brenan then lied about domestic spying. Nothing happened. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Unlike Trumps, advisor Peter Navarro, Obamas Attorney General Eric Holder was never arrested for ignoring a congressional subpoena. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. This is just a tip of the iceberg. If AG Bragg has 34 counts against Trump then why are we waiting until early December. Maybe to influence the upcoming election? Dont think thats what the

founders meant when they included speedy trial. (Jan 6 defendants know about that. ) By the way, what ever happened to the man who attacked Pelosis husband?

In the past few months we have had several train derailments. Some of them had hazardous materials. Am I the only one who thinks this could well be the work of extreme activists? It doesnt take a genius (which none of them are) to weaken a section of track.

Randy Mavencamp

Maple Lake

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Letter to the Editor - Maple Lake Messenger

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