Obama's next move: Picking an attorney general

US President Barack Obama stands with Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. who announced his resignation today, September 25, 2014 in Washington, DC. Mark Wilson, Getty Images

President Obama convened a meeting of senior advisers in the Oval Office just before 7 p.m. Tuesday night and received glum predictions on the coming returns. Before adjourning the meeting, Obama announced he had not yet made a final decision on his pick to replace Eric Holder as Attorney General.

Obama delayed the decision of naming Holder's replacement until after the election in hopes of freeing vulnerable Senate Democrats from any confirmation controversy that might arise. Now that Obama knows Republicans will run the Senate in the next Congress his move to replace Holder, which could come as early as Thursday, will be among the first indicators of how the White House views the altered political terrain on Capitol Hill.

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President Obama praises outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder's record at the Justice Department.

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President Obama announced that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is stepping down. As Major Garrett explains, Holder oversaw an unprecedented exp...

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Holder says he will step down as soon as his replacement is confirmed. He became attorney general in 2009 and was the first African American ever...

Officials close to the selection process say Obama has whittled the list of contenders down to three: Loretta Lynch, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn and Queens), Solicitor General Donald Verrilli and Labor Secretary Tom Perez. The White House holds out hope the lame-duck Congress can confirm the nominee before adjourning in mid-December, but Holder recently said he was likely to remain in his post until February.

See the article here:
Obama's next move: Picking an attorney general

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