Why do we need Eric Holder as outside counsel? – Paradise Post

According to both the California State Constitution and the California Government Code, the Attorney General acts the states chief law enforcement official, charged with the fair and equitable enforcement of the law.

Additionally, he or she is the head of the Department of Justice, and oversees both District Attorneys and county sheriffs.

But its the final responsibility listed with which we are concerned:

Acts as the chief counsel in state litigation.

Why, then, does California need Eric Holder?

In January, the California State Legislature retained the law firm of Covington & Burling, the firm that former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder rejoined upon leaving the federal government in 2015. The Legislatures stated aim was that a team Covington and Burling, led by Holder, would act as outside counsel to advise the Legislature regarding probable conflicts with the Trump Administration.

To the tune of $25,000.00 a month out of the pockets of the California taxpayer.

Former Deputy Attorney General and current Assemblyman Keven Kiley, (D) Rocklin, made his case to the Opinion Unit of the State Attorney Generals Office that hiring Holder and his firm as outside counsel violates Article VII of the California Constitution. Kiley cited years of state court findings that found Article VII as forbidding private contracting for services that are of a kind that persons selected through civil service could perform adequately and competently

Among other responsibilities assigned to the Attorney General that would be assumed by Holder and his team were assisting in defending California against federal actions. This is a duty specifically assigned to the attorney general.

One must wonder if either a) the state government has so little faith in newly elected attorney general, former state Congressman Xavier Becerra that contracting outside counsel was necessary, or b) that the Legislature wanted an expert in end runs around the U.S. Constitution, as well as that of the state.

It would appear to be the latter, as representatives for both Anthony Rendon, Speaker of the Assembly, and Kevin de Len President pro Tempore of the Senate assert the Legislature is immune from those regulations that govern an executive department.

Not surprising, as de Len now famously asserted half his family are in the country illegally and with forged documents.

In an interview with the New York Times, de Len said, Having the former attorney general of the United States brings us a lot of firepower in order to prepare to safeguard the values of the people of California. This means we are very, very serious.


About what?

Flagrant disregard for Title 18 of US Code, and the movement to make California a Sanctuary State? On April 22nd, 2013, Holder said to the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund: Creating a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million unauthorized immigrants in this country is essential. The way we treat our friends and neighbors who are undocumentedby creating a mechanism for them to earn citizenship and move out of the shadows transcends the issue of immigration status. This is a matter of civil and human rights.

So criminality is now a human right?

Perhaps the issue is the promotion of Governor Browns anti- Climate Change policies. After all, President Trump is due to sign an executive order instructing the Environmental Protection Agency to roll back the Clean Power Plan; an Obama initiative to reduce carbon emissions from power plants and require individual states to reduce their emissions.

Holders tenure as Attorney General was riddled with scandals ranging from the surveillance of reporters to threats of retaliation for Hate Speech aimed at Muslims. Holder is the only Attorney in history to have been held in contempt of Congress for his refusal to provide subpoenaed documents relating to the Fast and Furious scandal. This is not to mention his failure to act as regarding unfair targeting of conservative groups by the IRS.

Apparently, de Len thinks these are the values of the people of California that must be safeguarded.

It would appear former California Attorney General and newly elected Senator Kamala Harris agrees. In her March 24, 2017 article in the San Francisco Chronicle entitled Why I cannot support Judge Gorsuch, she cited well known progressive Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall:

You do what you think is right, and you let the law catch up.

Welcome to California, where the rules are made up, and the law doesnt matter.

Why do we need Eric Holder as outside counsel? - Paradise Post

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